[:id]Joko Widodo Meresmikan Acara Launching Jurnal-Jurnal Universitas Tidar[:en]Joko Widodo Officially Launch the Journals in Tidar University[:]



Universitas Tidar me-launching jurnal-jurnal yang dikelola prodi-prodi pada Jumat (26/10/2017). Acara yang dihadiri Prof. Dr. Joko Widodo, M.Pd. selaku Wakil Rektor 1 Untidar tersebut diselenggarakan di Fakultas Teknik dan dihadiri pula oleh para pejabat di lingkungan Universitas Tidar.

Dalam arahannya, Joko menyarankan LPPM-PMP Untidar untuk memiliki jurnal pengabdian masyarakat sehingga pengabdian masyarakat dosen-dosen Untidar dapat dipublikasikan di jurnal teraebut. “Ke depan LPPM-PMP sebaiknya punya jurnal pengabdian masyakarat untuk mengakomodasi publikasi kegiatan pengabdian dosen Untidar,” ujar Joko.

FKIP Untidar turut berpartisipasi dengan mengikutsertakan keempat jurnalnya, yaitu Transformatika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya; Methatesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching; Indonesian Journal of Science and Educaion (IJOSE); dan Indonesian Journal of Education and Learning (IJEL). Dibandingkan fakultas lain, FKIP memiliki jumlah jurnal terbanyak.

Acara yang berlangsung pukul 09.00-11.00 WIB tersebut tidak hanya me-launching jurnal yang baru, tetapi juga jurnal yang sudah ada sebelumnya.

Keberadaan jurnal-jurnal tersebut merupakan kabar gembira bagi kalangan civitas akademik di Untidar. Menurut pengelola Jurnal IJEL, Fifit Firmadani, M.Pd. keberadaan jurnal di perguruan tinggi sangat penting untuk memfasilitasi dosen dan mahasiswa mempublikasikan karya ilmiah mereka.

“Jurnal sangat penting bagi dosen dan mahasiswa untuk mempublikasikan artikel mereka. Khususnya dosen, jurnal dapat memfasilitasi publikasi ilmiah sesuai dengan bidang keahlian dosen,” kata Fifit di kantor PBSI. (IS)


Tidar University launched the journals which are managed by the study programs on Friday, 26th October 2017. It was attended by Prof. Dr. Joko Widodo, M.Pd. as the vice rector of academic affair. This event was held in Faculty of Engineering. This event was also attended by the functionaries of Tidar University.

Joko said in his speech that LPPM-PMP (Institution of Research, Community Service, and Educational Quality Assurance) of Tidar University should have the journal of community service program so that the lectures of Tidar University can easily publish their community service program. “LPPM-PMP should have the journal of community service to accommodate the community service program held by lecturers,” said Joko.

FETT Tidar University participated in this event by involving its four journals: Transformatika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya; Methatesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching; Indonesian Journal of Science and Educaion (IJOSE); and Indonesian Journal of Education and Learning (IJEL). Compare to the other faculties, FETT has the highest number of journals. This two hours event (9 – 11 a.m) was not only launch the new journals but also the journals which is existed formerly.

The existence of those journals becomes good news for the academic of Tidar University. Fifit Firmadani,M.Pd., the IJEL manager said that the journal in university is very important to facilitate the lecturers and students to publish their articles.

“Journal is important for lecturers and students to publish their article, especially for lecturers, it can help them to publish their article based on their expertise, “ said Fifit in PBSI office. (IS/AW)
