[:id]Penarikan Mahasiswa Peserta Program Pengalaman Lapangan English for Children  di Malaysia[:en]Farewell Ceremony of English for Children (EFC) in Practice Program in Malaysia[:]



Pada hari Jumat, 9 Maret 2018 pukul 09.30 waktu setempat dilakukan penarikan delapan mahasiswa yang mengikuti peserta PKL EFC Malaysia. Secara umum acara yang bertemapat di Tabika Kemas Bandar Sg. Buaya itu berlangsung dengan lancar. Dr. Dwi Winarsih, M.Pd. (Wakil Dekan II) mengungkapkan bahwa acara penarikan diawali dengan peresmian mural siswa sebagai kegiatan community service. Mural merupakan lukisan dinding yang dibuat  oleh mahasiswa, pengurus, cikgu, dan orang tua. Acara kemudian dilanjutkan  sambutan-sambutan dari pengurus dan penyelia pendidikan Tabika Kemas (Puan Nooraini binti Ahmad dan Puan Suzawati binti Misiran) serta dari pihak Universitas Tidar (Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Pd).

Dalam sambutannya, Puan Nooraini mengucapkan terima kasih kepada segenap mahasiswa dan lektor Universitas Tidar atas kerja samanya sehingga program ini berjalan dengan lancar. Selanjutnya Prof. Sukarno dalam sambutannya juga mengucapkan terima kasih atas dukungan dari pihak Tabika Kemas dan permohonan maaf jika selama pelaksanaan program ada hal yang kurang berkenan. Acara kemudian dilanjutkan dengan persembahan mahasiswa, Penyampaian Sijil Penghargaan, dan diakhiri dengan foto bersama.


On Friday, March 9, 2018 at 09.30 local time, eight participants of English for Children in Practice in Malaysia’s school were withdrawn. The event took place in Tabika Kemas Bandar Sg. Buaya went well. Dr. Dwi Winarsih, M.Pd. (Vice Dean II) of FETT Universitas Tidar stated that the ceremony begins with the inauguration of  a mural painted in the school’s wall. This mural made by students, administrators, teachers, and parents of the school is regarded as part of the community service activity. The event was then followed by remarks from the administrators and supervisors of Tabika Kemas. They are Puan Nooraini binti Ahmad and Puan Suzawati binti Misiran and from Universitas Tidar is Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M. Si.

In her speech, Puan Nooraini thanked all students and lecturers of Universitas Tidar for their cooperation so that the program runs smoothly. Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si in his speech also thanked for the support of Tabika Kemas and apologized if during the implementation of the program there are things that are found less pleasing. The event then continued with the student performances, certificate awards, ended with group photo taking. (WD)
