
FKIP-UNTIDAR(1-2 Februari 2017) kirimkan 2 orang perwakilan dosen untuk mengikuti ”Workshop Revitalisasi Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi/ Thesis/ Disertasi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret” yang dilaksanakan di Sukoharjo tepatnya di aula Syariah Hotel Solo. Workshop ini mendatangkan seorang pembicara pakar yaitu Handoyo Puji Widodo, Ph.D.,  Associate Professor, English Language Center (ELC) Shantau University, Guangdong China.

Kegiatan ini dimulai dengan sambutan Dekan FKIP, UNS, Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. Beliau mengutarakan bahwa workshop ini bertujuan untuk merevitalisasi pedoman skripsi, sehingga akan memberi implikasi tingkat kelulusan mahasiswa, selain itu beliau juga  sangat mengharapkan agar tulisan mahasiswa bisa diterbitkan di jurnal internasional yang terindeks scopus.

Setelah itu, Handoyo menjelaskan jenis tugas akhir Sarjana yang berbasis Original Research Project yang berisi (1) Ruang Lingkup, (2) pemetaan isu/ masalah/ fenomena yang dikaji, (3) empirical positioning, (4) rumusan masalah dan tujuan, (5) kajian literatur: teori, konsep dan riset, (5) metodologi,  (6) temuan/ hasil dan diskusi, (7) kesimpulan, (8) referensi, dan (9) lampiran (10-20% dari isi skripsi). Selain itu, beliau juga menjelaskan tentang filosofi, desain dan konteks penelitian dengan pemberian contoh-contoh dari berbagai negara di dunia. Desain penelitian yang dijelaskan adalah penelitian tindakan (Action Research), Penelitian Kelas (Classroom Research), Studi Kasus (Case Study), Design Based or Developmental Research, Narrative Inquiries, Diary Study, Ethnography (Micro Ethnography), Phenomerology, Grounded Theory, Focus Group Research, Life Story Interview, Visual Research, Observational Research, Discourse Studies, Content Analysis, Corpus Research, Experimental Research, Correlational Study, Cross-sectional Study, Comparative Study, Survey Research, Mixed-Method Research, Replication Studies, Meta-analysis Studies, Field Research, dan Research 2.0.

Rangga Asmara, S.Pd., M.Pd., salah satu peserta workshop yang juga adalah koordinator program studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia mengatakan, ”Kita sangat perlu mengevaluasi pedoman skripsi di FKIP, dan sangatlah perlu mendapat masukan dari pakar yang mengikuti perkembangan keilmuan tidak hanya di Indonesia tapi didunia.”  (LL)


FKIP-UNTIDAR(1-2 Februari 2017) sent 2 lecturers to take part in ”Workshop Revitalisasi Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi/ Thesis/ Disertasi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret” held in Sukoharjo, at Syariah Hotel Solo. The keynote speaker is Handoyo Puji Widodo, Ph.D.,  Associate Professor, English Language Center (ELC) Shantau University, Guangdong China.

It is started with the warm welcoming speech by Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd., Dean of FKIP, UNS. He said that this workshop is aimed to revitalize research paper guideline, so that it would implicate to the number of graduated students, besides that he also wished that the paper could be published in reputable international journal.

After that Handoyo explained about the content of research paper which is based on Original Research Project that are (1) field, (2) issue/ problem/ phenomena, (3) empirical positioning, (4) problem formulation and goal, (5) literature review: theory, concept dan research, (5) methodology,  (6) finding and discussion, (7) conclusion, (8) reference, and (9) appendix (only 10-20%). Moreover, he also explained about philosophy, design, and context of the research from various countries all over the world. Meanwhile, the research design are Action Research, Classroom Research, Case Study, Design Based or Developmental Research, Narrative Inquiries, Diary Study, Ethnography (Micro Ethnography), Phenomerology, Grounded Theory, Focus Group Research, Life Story Interview, Visual Research, Observational Research, Discourse Studies, Content Analysis, Corpus Research, Experimental Research, Correlational Study, Cross-sectional Study, Comparative Study, Survey Research, Mixed-Method Research, Replication Studies, Meta-analysis Studies, Field Research, and Research 2.0.

Rangga Asmara, S.Pd., M.Pd., one of the workshop participant which is also the coordinator of Indonesia Language and Art Department says ”It is needed to evaluate research paper guideline in FETT, and it is important to get positive recommendation from the expert that catch on the development of new theories not only in Indonesia but also in the world.”  (LL)
