[:id]Prodi Pascasarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Menyongsong Akreditasi[:en]Graduate Study Program of Indonesian Language Education Carry Out the Accreditation[:]



Setahun sudah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Program Magister Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Tidar berdiri. Bulan Oktober 2017 lalu, prodi ini menerima mahasiswa baru dan melaksanakan perkuliahan untuk pertama kali. Sekarang, saatnya Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Program Magister akan diakreditasi.

”Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia program magister ini sudah menjalankan perkuliahan selama 3 semester. Tahun ini prodi akan mengirimkan borang akreditasi sebagai bentuk laporan kinerja selama setahun ini kepada Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI),” ujar Dr. Yulia Esti Katrini, M.S., koordinator prodi.

Saat rapat kerja penyusunan borang akreditas Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Program Magister pada 7-8 Desember 2018 lalu di Hotel Grand Quality Yogyakarta, Dekan FKIP Untidar memberikan pengarahan seputar program magister ini. ”Peraihan akreditasi B di tingkat institusi akan menjadi kabar yang baik bagi Program Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia juga. Semoga hal ini bisa menjadi sumber materi yang baik untuk menyusun borang akreditasi program magister,” tutur Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si., Dekan FKIP Untidar.

”Materi untuk mengisi borang program magister dapat melihat dari universitas. Akan tetapi, perlu diperhatikan bahasanya agar tidak terjadi plagiasi. Mohon perihal ini juga dicermati semua penyusun borang,” kata Dr. Bambang Kuncoro, M.Si., Wakil Rektor bidang Kemahasiswaan Untidar saat membuka acara Rapat Kerja Penyusuan Borang Akreditasi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Program Magister FKIP Untidar lalu di depan seluruh penanggung jawab penyusunan borang, yaitu Dosen PBSI. Beliau juga turut mengapresiasi langkah FKIP yang telah memiliki program magister pertama kali di Untidar.

Borang akreditasi program magister terdiri atas dua buku, yaitu buku borang 3A yang berisi informasi seputar prodi dan buku 3B yang berisi informasi seputar universitas. Setiap borang buku terdiri atas 7 standar yaitu: visi misi, tata kelola, mahasiswa, sumber daya manusia, kurikulum, keuangan, dan penelitian-pengabdian. Selain itu, prodi juga harus mengunggah borang evalusi diri sebagai rangkuman dan refleksi buku 3A dan 3B.

Semoga Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Program Magister ini mendapatkan hasil akreditasi yang baik. (WJ)


The Graduate Study Program of Indonesian Language Education of Faculty of Education and Teachers Training at Tidar University (UNTIDAR), was established in October 2017. This study program accepts new students and has the teaching and learning process for the first time. Nowadays, the accreditation of Graduate Study Program of Indonesian Language Education is coming.

”The Graduate Study Program of Indonesian Language Education has conducted the teaching and learning process for 3 semesters. This year, this study program is going to send the accreditation documents as the performance report in a year to Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI),” said Dr. Yulia Esti Katrini, M.S., the coordinator of study program.

During a working meeting in the preparation of the Indonesian Language Education Study Program accreditation documents on December 7-8 2018 at Grand Quality Hotel in Yogyakarta, the Dean of FKIP UNTIDAR gave a briefing about the graduate program. “Achieving B accreditation at the institutional level will be good news for the Graduate Study Program of Indonesian Language Education as well. “Hopefully this can be a good source of material for compiling the graduate program accreditation forms,” ​​said Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Sc., Dean of FKIP Untidar.

”The material for completing the Graduate Study Program documents can be accessed from the university documents. However, the use of language should be noted for avoiding the plagiarism. All compilers of accreditation must pay attention in compiling the files, “said Dr. Bambang Kuncoro, M.Sc., Vice Rector for Student Affairs at UNTIDAR when opening the Meeting of Compiling Accreditation documents of Indonesian Language Education Study for the Graduate Study Program of FETT (FKIP) at UNTIDAR, in front of all the person in charge of form preparation, PBSI Lecturers. He also appreciated the steps of FETT, which have had the first Graduate Program at UNTIDAR.

The files of Graduate Study Program Accreditation consist of two documents, which are 3A documents and 3B documents. 3A documents are about the information of study program and 3B documents consists of the information of university. Each document consists of 7 standards, namely: vision, mission, governance, students, human resources, curriculum, finance, and research-service. In addition, the study programs must also upload self-evaluation forms as a summary and reflection of documents 3A and 3B.

It is hoped that Graduate Study Program of Indonesian Language Education Study Program can achieve a good accreditation result. (CA)
