[:id]Literary Day #2: Pentas Transformasi karya Sastra Mahasiswa Semester 4 PBI, FKIP UNTIDAR[:en]Literary Day #2: Stage for the Works of Literary Transformation by 4th Semester Students of PBI, FKIP UNTIDAR[:]



Transformasi adalah salah satu bentuk apresiasi karya sastra yang melibatkan perubahan yang cukup dramatis pada teks untuk memunculkan sesuatu yang baru.  Ketika sebuah karya ditransformasikan ia membuka ruang kemungkinan eksplorasi yang kompleks  karena melibatkan bentuk dan media yang berbeda. Transformasi tampaknya merupakan jurus favorit dalam mengapresiasi sastra Munculnya banyak film kekinian di bioskop yang merupakan adaptasi novel Best Sellers, FTV yang diadaptasi dari puisi, dan sebagainya menegaskan klaim tersebut. Transformasi bentuk lain yaitu pentas drama dari novel dikemas apik dalam sebuah gelaran Literary Day #2: A Day to Remember, Kamis 26 Juli 2018 di Auditorium UNTIDAR.

Pada kesempatan tersebut 4 judul pementasan drama berbahasa Inggris yaitu Sunshine Becomes You, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Princess, Milea, dan Love Will Find a Way yang merupakan hasil transformasi dari 4 judul novel yang berbeda dipentaskan secara berurutan oleh mahasiswa semester 4 PBI FKIP yang menempuh mata kuliah Literary Appreciation. Penonton terlihat memadati tikar-tikar yang digelar sejak pagi. Bapak dan Ibu dosen UNTIDAR juga tampak menikmati rangkaian pementasan. Sesekali tepuk tangan antusias bergemuruh menandai satu judul pementasan berakhir. Pergantian judul pementasan diisi oleh hiburan atraktif yang dipersembahkan oleh mahasiswa.

Menanggapi kegiatan yang digagas oleh Ali Imron, M.Hum dan telah dilaksanakan selama tiga tahun berturut-turut sejak 2015, Dosen PBI FKIP yang juga adalah pengampu mata kuliah Literary Appreciation tersebut mengatakan bahwa ia sangat bangga dengan usaha yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dalam mewujudkan sebuah pementasan transformasi karya sastra yang tentu saja membutuhkan fokus dan usaha yang tidak ringan.

Winda Candra Hantari, M.A yang juga mengampu mata kuliah tersebut menambahkan “Harapan kami dengan adanya acara seperti Literary Day #2: A Day to Remember, mahasiswa terutama dari prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang telah menempuh mata kuliah Literary Appreciation mampu menangkap esensi transformasi sastra serta mampu mengapresiasi sastra melalui karya yang lahir dari proses mereka sendiri, sekaligus mempraktikkannya. Semoga geliat bersastra di kampus UNTIDAR semakin intens”. (WD)


Transformation is a form of appreciation for literary works which involves a dramatic change in the text to bring out something new. When a work is transformed, it opens up the possibility of complex exploration space because it involves different forms and media. Transformation seems to be a favorite way in appreciating literature. The emergence of many contemporary films in cinema which are adaptation of best seller novels, Television Cinema (FTV) adapted from poems, and so on confirm the claim. Another form of transformation is a drama performance from a novel packed neatly in a Literary Day #2 title: A Day to Remember, Thursday 26 July 2018 at UNTIDAR Auditorium.

The show gave 4 drama performances to the audience namely, Sunshine Becomes You, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Princess, Milea, and Love Will Find a Way. Those 4 were the results of the transformation of 4 different novels staged in sequence by 4th semester students of the PBI, FKIP who had taken Literary Appreciation course before. The audience was seen packed the mats that had been spread since morning. Many lecturers of UNTIDAR from different study programs were seen during the occasion and seemed to enjoy the series of performances. Applause enthusiastically thundered the auditorium once in a while, especially when one performance ended. The four main shows were separated by attractive entertainment performances presented by students.

Responding to the activities initiated by Ali Imron, M.Hum and had been held for three consecutive years since 2015, the FKIP PBI lecturer who is also the lecturer in the Literary Appreciation course said that he was very proud of the efforts made by students in English Language Education in making a performance transformation of literary works which of course requires focus and hard efforts.

Winda Candra Hantari, MA who also teaches the course added “Our hope is that with events such as Literary Day # 2: A Day to Remember, students, especially from the English Education Study Program who have taken Literary Appreciation course, are able to capture the essence of literary transformation and to appreciate literature through works which are born from their own processes, while practicing them. Hopefully literature wriggles more intensively at UNTIDAR” (WD/AL)
