[:id]Jaga Kualitas, FKIP Menerima Kunjungan Monitoring Internal dari Tim Penjaminan Mutu Untidar[:en]A Visit from PJM: Keeping and Maintaining the Quality of FETT[:]



Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan menerima kunjungan monitoring dan evaluasi dari Tim Penjaminan Mutu Universitas pada Kamis (31/7). Tim PJM disambut oleh Dekan FKIP, Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si, di ruang microteaching. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di-monitoring oleh Anis Rakhmawati, S.T., M.T (Dosen S1 Teknik Mesin) dan Drs. Lorentino Togar Laut (Dosen S1 Ekonomi Pembangunan). Di tempat terpisah, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di-monitoring oleh Wandi Arnandi, S.T., M.Eng. (Dosen D3 Teknik Mesin) dan Ir. Yulia Eko Susilowati, M.P. (Dosen S1 Agroteknologi).

“Pada dasarnya, unit penjaminan mutu di bawah Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Untidar berusaha mengadakan penilaian internal kepada tiap prodi. Tujuannya agar kualitas prodi terjaga dan terbantu saat akreditasi nantinya. Jadi, hal yang dievaluasi adalah 7 standar sesuai dengan boring akreditas,” kata Drs. Lorentinus Togar Laut saat memberikan sambutan sebelum menilai PBSI.

“Kami menyambut baik kedatangan para reviewer dan kami melaporkan bahwa perkuliahan di FKIP ini relative tertib. Semua dosen mengajar selama 16 kali pertemuan. Sebagian besar juga melakukan penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat. Ada dosen yang tidak meneliti, tetapi menjadi pemakalah di seminar internasional,” ujar Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. saat menyambut para reviewer.

Hal-hal yang dinilai saat monev internal dari penjaminan mutu Untidar adalah 7 standar dari borang akreditasi sarjana. Ketujuh standar tersebut meliputi: visi misi, tata pamong, mahasiswa dan lulusan, tenaga kependidikan, kurikulum, sarana dan prasarana, serta penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat. Ketujuh standar tersebut akan disesuaikan dengan program fakultas. Lalu, tim penjaminan mutu juga mendakan simulasi nilai sesuai dengan standar akreditasi.

“Dokumen yang dimiliki prodi sudah sangat lengkap. Hal ini akan sangat mendukung akreditasi prodi yang akan 2019 mendatang. Semoga sukses,” tutur Ir. Yulia Eko Susilowati, M.P., reviewer PBI.

Kegiatan monev internal tersebut dipandu oleh koordinator prodi masing-masing. PBSI dipandu oleh Rangga Asmara, M.Pd., dan PBI Moch. Malik Al Firdaus, M.Pd. Acara tersebut berlangsung pukul 08.00 sampai dengan 12.00 WIB dan diikuti oleh dosen-dosen FKIP. Dosen prodi baru di FKIP, Pendidikan IPA juga mengikuti acara tersebut untuk menambah pengetahuan akreditasi prodi 2 tahun yang akan datang.


FETT (Faculty of Education and Teacher’s Training) accepted a visit for monitoring and evaluation (monev) from Center for Quality Assurance (PJM) of Tidar University  on Thursday, 31st August 2017.  The team was welcomed warmly by the Dean of FETT, Prof. Dr. Sukarno., M. Si., at Microteaching Room of FETT. There were two evaluators who monitored and evaluated Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (PBSI), they were Anis Rakhmawati, S.T., M.T (lecturer of Faculty of Engineering) and Drs. Lorentino Togar Laut (lecturer of Economic Faculty). In the other hand, English Education Study Program (PBI) was monitored and evaluated Wandi Arnandi, S.T., M.Eng. (lecturer of Faculty of Engineering) and Ir. Yulia Eko Susilowati, M.P. (lecturer of Faculty of Agriculture).

“Basically, the Quality Assurance Unit is working under the Institute of Research, Community Service, and Education Standard of Tidar University (LPPM-PMP) The team tries to conduct monev in every study programs at Tidar University. It is to maintain the quality of the study programs and is helpful for their accreditation.  The team evaluated seven standards based on accreditation forms,” explained Drs. Lorentinus Togar Laut.

“We ,ofcourse, accept the team and we also report that the lectures at FETT runs well. All of the lecturers hold the lectures for sixteen meetings. Most of them also conduct reasearch and community service. There is only few of them who don’t conduct research but they still become presenters on international seminar,” said Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si.

The elements evaluated by the team were based on seven standards of the accreditation form. Those seven standards include: 1. Vision, Mission, Goal and Target, Strategy, 2. Government, Leaderships, Management System and Quality Assurance, 3. Students and Graduates, 4. Human Resources, 5. Curriculum, Learning Process and Academic Atmosphere, 6. Funding, Facilities, and Information System, and 7. Research, Community Service and Cooperation. Those standards were suited to the faculty program. Then, the team held a simulation for scoring based on the standards.

“Our documents have been completed. It will be a real support for next study program accreditation which will be held in 2019.” said Ir. Yulia Eko Susilowati, M.P.

The monev event was guided by the coordinators of PBSI and PBI, Rangga Asmara, M.Pd., is for PBSI and Moch. Malik Al Firdaus, M.Pd., is for PBI. It had been lasted from 8 a. m. until 12 p. m., and been followed by the lecturers of FETT. Some new lecturers from Science Education Study Program also joined on the event to gain knowledge and experience about accreditation for their study program accreditation which will be held in the next two years. (WJ-NA).
