[:id]Untidar dalam Unicovs (UNY National Competition Of Volunteer Skills) 2018[:en]Untidar takes part in Unicovs (UNY National Competition Of Volunteer Skills) 2018[:]



UNY- Dalam rangka dies natalies yang ke 54, UNY menggelar acara yang bernama UNY FEST. 21 macam mata perlombaan tingkat nasional disuguhkan oleh 7 Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa di UNY. Salah satunya adalah UNICOVS (UNY national Competition of Volunteer Skills) yang diadakan oleh KSR PMI Unit UNY. Ada 3 macam perlombaan dalam rangkaian acara UNICOVS, diantaranya adalah Teknologi Tepat Guna, Pemetaan BKRK, dan Pertolongan Pertama. Acara ini berlangsung dari tanggal 3-4 Mei 2018 di UNY. “Kegiatan ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pembinaan dan kemampuan anggota KSR di perguruan tinggi dan markas. Selain itu juga kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan hubungan persahabatan antar KSR PMI Perguruan Tinggi dan Markas.” Kata Muhammad Shobirin, Ketua KSR PMI Unit UNY.

Pada kegiatan yang diikuti oleh 28 tim KSR PMI Unit Perguruan Tinggi dan Markas dari 20 Universitas ini, KSR PMI Unit Untidar mengirimkan 1 tim perwakilannya yang beranggotakan Dhea Maulida N. (FKIP) sebagai Official, sedangkan Vita Vidia T. (FKIP), Grace Noor R. (FISIP), Hudayati (FISIP), dan Agnia Resi (FISIP) sebagai peserta. “Meski hanya berhasil pulang membawa piala grade, kami tetap merasa bangga karena bisa berpartisipasi dalam acara tersebut. Kami berharap tahun depan mampu memberikan yang lebih baik untuk Untidar.” ungkap salah satu peserta dari KSR PMI Unit Untidar. (vvt)


UNY- Yogyakarta State University (UNY) hold the event called UNY FEST to celebrate 54th dies natalis of UNY. There are twenty one kinds of national level competition presented by the student activity unit in UNY. One of the competitions is UNICOVS (UNY national Competition of Volunteer Skills) held by KSR PMI (Indonesian Red Cross) of UNY. There are three competitions in UNICOVS series such as Appropriate Technology, Hazard, Risk, Vulnerability and Disaster Mapping, and First Aid. This event runs on May 3 – 4, 2018 in UNY. “This event is aimed to evaluate the guidance and the ability of KSR PMI members in University and headquarter. In addition, this activity is also aimed to build the relationship between KSR PMI in university and in headquarter.” Muhammad Shobirin, the chief of KS PMI UNY explained. This competition is followed by 28 teams of Universities Indonesian Red Cross and 20 headquarters. KSR PMI Untidar delegates Dhea Maulida N from Faculty of Education and Teachers Training as an official and three participants named Vita Vidia T from Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Grace Noor R, Hudayati, and Agnia Resi from Faculty of Social and Political Science. “We are proud because we are able to join this competition although we just get the grade tropy. We do hope we can achive better next month,” said one of the participants from Tidar University. (vvt/AW)
