[:id]Tim Futsal PBI Juara III Kompetisi Futsal[:]



Tim futsal putra program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Tidar (UNTIDAR) berhasil menjadi juara III kompetisi futsal “Electrical Cup”. Kompetisi ini dilaksanakan antar program studi di lingkungan UNTIDAR. Kompetisi ini diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Elektro UNTIDAR pada tanggal 23 September 2018.

Tim futsal PBI beranggotakan 10 orang mahasiswa PBI, dengan kapten tim Rifqi Widodo (PBI angkatan 2016). Anggota tim terdiri dari Legar (PBI angkatan 2014), Khusni (PBI angkatan 2015), Algaf (PBI angkatan 2016), Dega (PBI angkatan 2016), Hareno (PBI angkatan 2016), Hilmi (PBI angkatan 2017), Firman (PBI angkatan 2017), Anugrah Basuki (PBI angkatan 2017), Lilo (PBI angkatan 2017)

Tim futsal putra PBI berhasil menjadi juara III setelah berhasil mengalahkan tim dari program studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PBSI) pada babak penentuan juara III. Sebelumnya tim futsal PBI gagal melaju ke babak final setelah dikalahkan oleh tim futsal dari prodi teknik mesin dengan skor tipis 3-2. Tim futsal putra PBI berhak membawa pulang tropi dan uang pembinaan sebesar RP. 600.000.

Kapten tim, Rifqi Widodo, menyampaikan bahwa persiapan tim dilakukan hanya dua minggu. “Meskipun waktu latihan sangat terbatas, namun kekompakan tim sangat bagus sehingga dapat menjadi juara III”, imbuh mahasiswa alumni SMAN 1 Grabag. Kapten tim berharap ke depannya tim selalu kompak dan dapat memenagkan kompetisi di lain kesempatan. FKIP is the best. EJ


English Department Students’ Futsal Team as the Third Winner in “Electrical Cup”

The men’s futsal team of English Education Study Program (PBI) of FKIP UNTIDAR won the third place in the “Electrical Cup” futsal competition. This competition was held by the UNTIDAR Electrical Engineering Students Association for all study programs of UNTIDAR on September 23, 2018.

PBI futsal team consists of 10 PBI students, with Rifqi Widodo (PBI class 2016) as the captain of the team, they are Legar (PBI class 2014), Khusni (PBI class 2015), Algaf (PBI class 2016), Dega (PBI class 2016), Hareno (PBI class 2016), Hilmi (PBI class 2017), Firman (PBI force 2017), Anugrah Basuki (PBI class 2017), and Lilo (PBI class 2017)

PBI’s men’s futsal team won the third place after successfully defeating a team from the Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI) study program. Previously, PBI futsal team failed to advance to the finals after being defeated by a futsal team from mechanical engineering study program with a score of 3-2. PBI’s male futsal team has the right to bring home the trophy and money of IDR. 600,000,-

The captain, Rifqi Widodo, said that the team’s preparations had been carried out only in two weeks. “Even though the training time is very limited, the cohesiveness of the team is very good so that we can be the third winner,” added the alumnus of State Highschool (SMAN) 1 Grabag. He hopes that in the future the team will always be cohesive and able to win the competition on other occasions. FKIP is the best. (AL)
