[:id]Prodi PBSI Sambut Proses Visitasi Akreditasi[:en]PBSI: Welcoming BAN-PT for Accreditation Visitation[:]



Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Sabtu (6/5) kemarin menjalani proses visitasi akreditasi oleh Tim Asesor Badan Akreditasi Nasional – Perguruan Tinggi (BAN – PT). Tim asesor yang terdiri dari Prof. Dr. Endry Boeriswati, M.Pd. dari Uiversitas Negeri Jakarta serta Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, M.Pd. dari Universitas Sriwijaya disambut hangat oleh seluruh dosen, tenaga pendidik, mahasiswa, serta alumni Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Untidar. Proses visitasi berjalan dengan baik dan lancar, memakan waktu selama satu hari penuh sejak pukul 08.00 hingga pukul 19.00 WIB.

Dalam mempersiapkan visitasi akreditasi seluruh dosen telah bekerja keras sejak setahun lalu. Rangga Asmara, M.Pd. Koordinator Prodi PBSI menjelaskan, “Proses penyusunan borang tidaklah sebentar, sudah disiapkan dari bulan Juni tahun 2016. Memang ada kesulitan pengumpulan data, khususnya di bidang kurikulum seperti silabus, SAP, dan penelitian dosen. Ya mudah-mudahan apa yang dicita-citakan bisa tercapai, prodi PBSI kembali meraih nilai A.” Sebagai informasi saat ini prodi PBSI terakreditasi B oleh BAN – PT maka tak ayal jika para dosen berupaya keras dan optimis untuk meningkatkan nilai akreditasinya,

Dokumen borang Prodi (III A) dinilai oleh Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, M.Pd. ditanggapi Ketua Jurusan FKIP Lilia Indriani, M.Pd. serta Koordinator Program Studi PBSI, Rangga Asmara, M.Pd. Selain itu hadir pula para dosen pengajar prodi yang turut serta membantu penyusunan borang dari awal hingga akhir. Di lain tempat, borang institusi FKIP Untidar (III B) dinilai oleh Prof. Dr. Endry Boeriswati, M.Pd. ditanggapi Dekan FKIP Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si., Wakil Dekan I Drs. Hari Wahyono, M.Pd., serta Wakil Dekan II Dr. Dwi Winarsih, M.Pd. Dalam penilaian borang ini ditanyakan hal-hal terkait visi-misi fakultas, struktur organisasi fakultas, suasana akademik, instrumen mutu, peningkatan sumber daya manusia, dan masalah seputar pembiayaan.

Seperti pada saat visitasi dan verifikasi pada umumnya, prodi ataupun fakultas diminta menunjukkan bukti-bukti fisik berbagai kegiatan yang dilaporkan dalam keterangan borang, seperti berbagai notulen rapat, surat undangan rapat, daftar peserta rapat, SK Mengajar, Sertifikat Pendidik, Kurikulum, Jejak Alumni, berbagai SOP, dokumen PMB, jurnal, karya dosen dan mahasiswa, akses kerjasama dalam dan luar negeri, serta bukti fisik pendukung lainnya.

Dari hasil visitasi tersebut tim asesor menyampaikan beberapa rekomendasi seperti, harus meningkatkan sumber daya manusia dengan memperbanyak lulusan doktor dan menambah jenjang kepangkatan dosen. Berbagai penelitian harus bisa bersaing di luar prodi atau universitas dan penelitian tersebut harus bisa dipublikasikan dalam jurnal ilmiah untuk dapat meningkatkan jenjang prodi. Dalam bidang kurikulum disarankan untuk lebih banyak mengikuti asosiasi. Saran terakhir, supaya dapat mengembangkan perpustakaan online berikut sarana prasarana, akses komputer yang disediakan, sumber pustaka ditingkatkan, dan memperbanyak jurnal internasional yang dilanggan. (TP)


[ FKIP – 9/05/17] – Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program (PBSI) got a visit from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) Ministry of Education, Research, and Technology. The assessors  of BAN-PT visited PBSI, Tidar University to hold accreditation visitation on May 6th 2017. BAN-PT Assessors team which consisted of. Dr. Endry Boeriswati, M.Pd. (Universitas Negeri Jakarta) and Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, M.Pd. (Universitas Sriwijaya) was welcomed warmly by the lecturers, the educational staffs, the students, and also the alumni of PBSI Tidar University.  The process of visitation ran well and it started from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m.

In preparing the visitation, the lectures of PBSI had been working since last year. Rangga Asmara, M.Pd. the coordinator of PBSI explained, “The process for preparing the forms for accreditation is not an easy thing. We have been preparing them since June 2016.” He added that his team experienced difficulty in collecting several data, especially curriculum fields such as syllabus, lesson plans, and some research done by the lecturers of PBSI.  “Hopefully PBSI could repeat a satisfying achievment like what we did several years before, we could achieve score A for the accreditation,” asserted him. For now, PBSI has accreditation B from BAN-PT, so there is no doubt the lecturers worked harder and become optimistic to increase the value of accreditation.

The documents of form IIIA (study program) was assessed by Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, M.Pd. and responded by Lilia Indriani, M.Pd.as the chair of department and Rangga Asmara, M.Pd. as the coordinator of PBSI. This event was also attended by other lecturers of PBSI who helped on preparing the forms. In the other hand, the documents of form IIIB (institution) was assessed by Prof. Dr. Endry Boeriswati, M.Pd. and responded by  Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. as the dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher’s Training (FETT), Drs. Hari Wahyono, M.Pd. as the Vice Dean of Academic and Students’ Affairs, and  Dr. Dwi Winarsih, M.Pd. as the Vice Dean of General Affairs and Finance. The assessors also asked about several things related to the faculty such as visions and missions, organization structure, academic environment, quality instruments, human resources, and things related to finance.

In the process of visitation, the study program and faculty were asked to show physical evidence of the forms such as meeting reports, meeting invitation, list of meeting participants, teaching decree, educator certificates, curriculum, tracer study, Standard Operations Procedures, documents of new students admission, journals, lecturers and students’ works, and other physical evidence.

From the assessment process, the assessors gave some recomendations for PBSI. They recomended to improve the human resources by increasing the number of doctoral graduates and   increasing the level of academic rank for the lecturers. For the curriculum, it was suggested to join more active in any association. Besides, they also suggested to improve the competitiveness of research fields. Their research results should be published in order to  improve the level of PBSI. Last but not least, the improvement of online library by was suggested followed by the improvement of facilities and infastructures, library sources, and international journal subscription. (TP – NA)
