[:id]Mahasiswa FKIP Raih Prestasi dalam Lomba Kisah Inspiratif dan Debat Bertaraf Nasional[:en]FKIP Students Achieve Achievement in The Competition of Inspirational Stories and National Debate[:]



Mahasiswa Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Untidar berhasil meraih prestasi dalam ajang lomba menulis kisah inspiratif dan debat antarmahasiswa Bidikmisi  yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18-22  April 2017 di Universitas Pembangunan Pancabudi Medan. Kompetisi ini diselenggarakan oleh Permadani Diksi  (Persatuan Mahasiswa dan Alumni Bidikmisi Nasional) Wilayah I. Peserta lomba merupakan mahasiswa bidikmisi dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia. Beberapa diantaranya seperti Universitas Sumatera Utara, Universitas Pajajaran, IAIN Purwokerto,  Universitas Jambi, dan Universitas Tidar.

Riri Rubus yang merupakan mahasiswa semester 4  PBSI menulis kisah inspiratif dengan judul “Meniti Mimpi Bersama Bidikmisi”. Kisah yang ditulisnya berhasil meraih peringkat juara harapan satu setelah melalui beberapa tahapan seleksi. Tercatat ada 78 karya yang diterima panitia dan kemudian diseleksi menjadi 25 finalis. Para finalis termasuk Riri Rubus diundang ke Medan untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya yaitu wawancara. “Sebelum tahap wawancara saya harus membuat video profil dan semacam esai tentang ide yang akan disumbangkan untuk Indonesia Emas 2045 kemudian dipresentasikan di depan juri,” jelas putri dari pasangan Tabrani dan Wigati.

Gadis kelaiharan Sragen 26 Juni 1990 itu menceritakan, “Saya mulai membuat kisah itu sekitar dua hari sebelum batas akhir pengiriman karya. Karena terdesak waktu justru membuat saya semangat menulis. Kisah yang saya tulis berdasarkan kisah nyata dari diri saya ketika berjuang mendapatkan beasiswa Bidikmisi. Saya tulis saja hal-hal yang saya alami.”

Adapun tim lomba debat  terdiri atas tiga mahasiswa Untidar. Atif Solehudin dan Fatimah Kartika Ningrum, keduanya merupakan mahasiswa semester 4 PBSI, serta Tadjus Sobrin yang merupakan mahasiswa Teknik Sipil. Mereka bertiga berhasil meraih peringkat 10 besar setelah mengirim esai berjudul  “Optimalisasi Peran Mahasiswa Bidikmisi dalam Pengalaman Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi Melalui Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.” Atif Solehudin, pria kelahiran Banjarnegara  4 Juli 1997 menjelaskan, “Perjuangan kami melalui beberapa tahapan. Tahap awal kami mengirim esai terlebih dahulu dan alhamduillah dinyatakan lolos masuk 20 besar finalis.

Putra pertama dari Bapak Mahudin itu menambahkan, “Kami bertanding dengan tim dari Universitas Sriwijaya dan lolos masuk 10 besar. Setelah itu, kami bertanding kembali dengan tim dari Universitas Sumatra Utara namun tidak sampai ke semi final. Debat ini dilakukan dengan sistem nilai bukan sistem gugur.”

Selamat dan sukses kepada para pemenang. Prestasi yang diraih akan menjadi inspirasi mahasiswa lainnya dan dapat meningkatkan eksistenisi Untidar di tingkat nasional. Dr. Farikah, M.Pd. selaku Pembina Mahasiswa Bidikmisi Untidar menyampaikan rasa bangga atas hasil yang diraih mahasiswa FKIP tersebut, “Saya bangga dan senang dengan keaktifan mahasiswa tersebut. Keikutsertaan mahasiswa di kancah nasional akan membuka wawasan mereka. Mereka akan lebih banyak menimba ilmu.” (DZ)


Students of the Faculty Education and Teachers’ Training UNTIDAR succeeded in achieving the competition in writing inspirational stories and debates between Bidikmisi students held on April 18-22, 2017 at the University of Pembangunan Panca Budi, Medan. This competition is organized by the PERMADANI (National Students Association on Bidikmisi Receivers). The participants are students from various universities in Indonesia such as University of North Sumatra, University of Pajajaran, IAIN Purwokerto, University of Jambi, and Tidar University.

Riri Rubus, a fourth semester student of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program of Tidar University, wrote an inspirational story entitled “Meniti Mimpi Bersama Bidikmisi.” The story that she wrote won the rank of hope one after going through several stages of selection. There were 78 works received by the committee and then selected into 25 finalists. The finalists including Riri Rubus were invited to Medan to follow the next selection of interviews. “Before the interview stage I have to create a video profile and a kind of essay on the idea that will be donated to Indonesia Gold 2045 then presented in front of the jury,” explained the daughter of the couple Tabrani and Wigati.

The girl that born in Sragen on June 26, 1990, recalled, “I began to make the story about two days before the deadline for the submission of the work. Because of the urgency of time, it makes me enthusiastic in writing. The story I wrote is based on the true story of myself while fighting for a Bidikmisi scholarship. I just write the things I’m experiencing. “

On the other hand, the debating competition team consisted of three students of Tidar University. Atif Solehudin and Fatimah Kartika Ningrum, both are students of fourth semester of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, and Tadjus Sobrin is a student of Civil Engineering Study Program. The three of them managed to reach the top 10 after sending an essay entitled “Optimization of Bidikmisi Student Role in Tri Dharma Experience of Higher Education through Community Service.” Atif Solehudin who was born in Banjarnegara on July 4, 1997 explained, “Our struggle through several stages. Our initial stage sent the essay first and alhamdulillah passed the entrance to the top 20 finalists.”
The first son of Mr. Mahudin added, “We competed with the team from Sriwijaya University and passed the top 10. After that, we played back with a team from the University of North Sumatra but did not get to the semi-finals. This debate is done with a value system rather than a knockout system. “

Congratulations and success to the winners. Achievements will be the inspiration of other students and can improve the existence of Tidar University at the national level. Dr. Farikah, M.Pd. as Bidikmisi Student Counselor conveyed a sense of pride in the results achieved by FKIP students, “I am proud and happy with the activeness of the students. Student participation in the national arena will open their horizons. They will gain more knowledge. “(ER)
