[:id]Evaluasi Kegiatan Akademik Melalui Agenda Rutin Dua Jam Bersama Prodi PBSI[:en]Two Hours with PBSI: Evaluating Academic Activities of PBSI[:]


[:id]FKIP-UNTIDAR (4/07). Dalam rangka evaluasi terhadap kegiatan akademik, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Untidar menyelenggarakan agenda bertajuk “Dua Jam Bersama Prodi PBSI”. Acara ini dilaksanakan di Auditorium Untidar tanggal 19 Juni 2017 lalu. Agenda rutin yang diadakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Prodi PBSI ini dihadiri oleh dekan, wakil dekan 1 & 2, pejabat struktural, dan seluruh dosen PBSI FKIP Untidar.

Adapun evaluasi terhadap kegiatan akademik dan evaluasi dosen selama semester genap (2016/2017) ini dilakukan oleh mahasiswa semester 2, 4, 6, dan 8. Sebelum kegiatan evaluasi dilakukan, kegiatan ini dibuka dan disambut oleh Ketua Panitia 2 Jam Bersama Prodi PBSI Pertiwi Julia. Dalam kesempatan ini, ketua panitia menyampaikan “Kegiatan ini sebagai ajang evaluasi proses belajar mengajar dan semoga ke depannya kinerja dosen semakin lebih baik.”

Selain itu, Koorprodi PBSI Rangga Asmara, M.Pd. menambahkan bahwa “Melalui kegiatan ini mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memberikan evaluasi terhadap kegiatan akademik di Prodi PBSI”. Rangga juga menyampaikan bahwa “Selama satu semester ini, ada beberapa capaian di Prodi PBSI. Pertama, pada 17 Februari 2017 Prodi telah mengirimkan borang akreditasi dan telah divisitasi oleh asesor BAN-PT pada 6 Mei 2017. Kedua, ijin operasional Prodi PBI S2 telah keluar dan pendaftaran akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni-Agustus 2017. Ketiga, mahasiswa PBSI banyak yang menorehkan prestasi mulai dari tingkat lokal (universitas) sampai nasional”.

Salah satu mahasiswa semester 4 Bondan Prakoso memberikan saran demi perbaikan dan kemajuan Prodi PBSI untuk meningkatkan kerjasama. Kerjasama ini bukan hanya di tingkat fakultas saja, akan tetapi kerjasama dan menjalin kemitraan dengan Prodi PBSI dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia. (WL)


FKIP-UNTIDAR (4/07). Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program (PBSI) held a routine event called “Two Hours with PBSI”. The event was held on June 19th, 2017 by student association of PBSI. It was not only attended by the students of PBSI, but also the dean, the vice dean of academic and students’ affairs and the vice dean of general affairs and finance, structural officials, and also the lecturers of FETT (Faculty of Education and Teacher’s Training) Tidar University.

In this event,  the evaluation towards academic activities and the lecturers for even semester in the academic year of 2016/2017 was done by the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth semester students of PBSI. It was opened and welcomed by the chairman of the comittee, Pertiwi Julia. “This event is as an evaluation towards teaching and learning process. Hopefully in the future the performance of lecturers is getting better,” she explained.

Rangga Asmara, M. Pd., the coordinator of PBSI, added “Through this occasion students are expected to provide an evaluation towards the academic activities of PBSI”. He also explained that in this even semester, PBSI has achieved three outcomes. “ First, on 17th February 2017, has sent accreditation form and has been visited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) Ministry of Education, Research, and Technology on 6th May 2017. Second, the operational license for the post-graduate program of English Education Study Program has been released and the registration will be started on June until August 2017. Third, mnay students of PBSI have seized various achievments, both local and national level,” he explained.

Bondan Prakoso, the student of fourth semester, gave constructive suggestion for the progress of PBSI itself, especially in enhancing cooperation and partnership not only at faculty level, but also with Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program from various universities in Indonesia. (WL-NA)
