[:id]Pererat persaudaraan, BEM FKIP UMP berkunjung ke BEM FKIP Untidar[:en]Strengthening FETT’s brotherhood, student executive board of FETT UMP visits FETT Untidar[:]



Minggu 11 Maret 2108. Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswaa Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (BEM FKIP) Untidar melaksanakan kegiatan silaturahmi bersama BEM FKIP Universitas Purwokerto (UMP). Agenda silaturahmi ini merupakan salah satu jembatan untuk mempererat persaudaraan sesama mahasiswa FKIP dan BEM FKIP Untidar dengan BEM FKIP UMP khususnya.

Kegiatan ini dipersiapakan dengan baik oleh Divisi Humas BEM FKIP Untidar sehingga acara silaturahmi dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Acara ini dibuka oleh Ketua BEM FKIP Untidar, Mutiara Abdul Majid. Setelah selesai memberikan sambutan, tak lupa Ketua Umum BEM FKIP UMP, Anggun Catur Amaludin juga memberikan sambutan hangat kepada rekan-rekan mahasiswa pengurus BEM FKIP Untidar.

Sambutan hangat yang diberikan oleh kedua Ketua BEM lantas dilanjutkan dengan perkenalan masing-masing pengurus organisasi. Di dalam BEM FKIP UMP sendiri terdapat 33 orang pengurus terdiri dari 5 Departemen yaitu Departemen Advokasi, Departemen Kerohanian, Departemen Minat Bakat, Departemen Sosial Politik dan Departemen Riset dan Keilmuan.

Tidak jauh berbeda dengan pemaparan departemen BEM FKIP UMP, di dalam BEM FKIP Untidar sendiri juga terdiri dari lima divisi, yaitu, Divisi PPSDM, Divisi Kastratpol, Divisi Kesma, Divisi Humas, dan Divisi Kominfo, dengan total 19 orang pengurus. Setelah perkenalan dari masing-masing pengurus BEM, acara silaturahmi lantas dilanjut oleh sesi sharing dan tanya jawab.

Acara sharing dan tanya jawab ini berlangsung dengat hangat oleh kedua organisasi. Kegiatan saling tukar pengalaman dan berbagai pengetahuan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi manfaat yang dapat diambil dan dipraktekka untuk menjadikan organisasi satu sama lain menjadi lebih baik. Setelah sesi sharing  selesai, lalu dilanjutkan oleh sesi penyerahan kenang-kenangan dan foto bersama oleh kedua organisasi. Acara ini berlangsung lebih kurang selama 3 jam dan berlangsung dengan lancar.

Kegiatan silaturahmi seperti ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sarana mempererat solidaritas antar mahasiswa dan bermanfaat untuk peningkatan kinerja organiasai.

[:en]Sunday, March 11, 2018, Student Executive Board (BEM) of FETT Universitas Tidar held a gathering event with Student Executive Board of FETT Universitas Purwokerto (UMP). This event is one of the ways to get in touch with FETT’s students of Untidar and UMP.

This event was prepared well by the division of public relation of BEM FETT Untidar. It was inaugurated by the chief of Student Executive Board of FETT Untidar, Mutiara Abdul Majid then followed by Anggun Citra Amaludin as the chief of Student Executive Board of FETT UMP.

After the welcoming speech from the chiefs, the member of both Student Executive Boards introduced each other. There are 33 members and 5 departments in BEM FETT UMP. Those departments are Advocation Department, Spirituality Department, Interest and Talent Department, Social and Politic Department, and Scientific and Research Department.

The departments in Students Executive Board of FETT UMP are not much different with the Students Executive Board’s departments at FETT Untidar. There are five divisions in Students Executive Board of FETT Untidar called Empowerment of Students Resource division, Political Studies division, Students Welfare division, Public Relation division, and Comunication and Information division. Meanwhile for the members, there are 19 members in FETT Untidar’s Student Executive board. After the introduction of each member, the gathering was then continued by sharing session.

That sharing session was run well. It is expected that this activity gave the benefit for each Students Executive Board members. It is also hoped that they are able to practice the knowledge they get from this event to make their organization be better in the future. This three hours event was closed by giving a gift and taking picture together.

This gathering event is expected to be the way to enhance the solidarity among students and to increase the organization’s performance. (AW)[:]