[:id]Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan IPA Ikuti Student Entrepreneurship Expo dan Kompetisi Kewirausahaan Tingkat Nasional[:en]Students of Natural Science Department join Student Entrepreneurship Expo and National Level Entrepreneurship Competition[:]



Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan IPA FKIP UNTIDAR mendapat kesempatan mengikuti Student Entrepreneurship Expo dan Kompetisi Kewirausahaan Tingkat Nasional di Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES). Acara tersebut merupakan rangkaian kegiatan dalam rangka Dies Natalis Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UNNES ke-54. Student Entrepreneurship Expo dan Kompetisi Kewirausahaan berlangsung selama dua hari, 20-21 Maret 2019, di halaman Gedung Dekanat FMIPA.

Student Entrepreneurship Expo ini diikuti oleh 162 peserta dari tiga belas perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.  Terdapat tiga kategori dalam kompetisi kewirausahaan tersebut, meliputi makanan dan minuman, jasa dan perdagangan, serta produksi dan budidaya. Dari masing-masing kategori dipilih tiga juara yang berhak mendapatkan piala dan uang pembinaan. Sementara itu, mahasiswa IPA yang tergabung dalam kelompok wirausaha “singkong kepal crispy (SIPALPY)” berkesempatan mengikuti Student Entrepreneurship Expo dan Kompetisi Kewirausahaan kategori jasa dan perdagangan. Kelompok wirausaha mahasiswa tersebut beranggotakan Fimarizki, Arina Novi Dewi, Camila Azhar Ramadhanty, Uli Nuha Ahmad Rifa’i, Diah Roshita Dewi.

Meskipun belum dapat meraih juara, Uli Nuha Ahmad Rifa’i mengaku senang bisa berpartisipasi dalam acara tersebut. “Saya mendapatkan banyak pengalaman, kenalan baru, dan dapat belajar lebih baik. Teman-teman yang lain perlu berpartisipasi pada event seperti ini. Tujuannya adalah agar UNTIDAR lebih dikenal terutama Prodi Pendidikan IPA”  ujarnya. (RI)


Students of Natural Science Department got the opportunity to join Student Entrepreneurship Expo and National Level Entrepreneurship Competition in Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES). The event was a series of activities of the 54th Anniversary of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). Student Entrepreneurship Expo and National Level Entrepreneurship Competition lasted for two days, 20th – 21st March 2019 in front of FMIPA’s dean building.

The Student Entrepreneurship Expo was attended by 162 participants from thirteen universities in Indonesia. There were three categories in Entrepreneurship Competition including food and beverages, services and trade, as well as production and cultivation. From each category, three champions were chosen and got trophies and money. Meanwhile, the natural science students who had entrepreneurial group named “singkong kepal crispy (SIPALPY)” or Crispy Cassava had the opportunity to take part in the Student Entrepreneurship Expo and Entrepreneurship Competition in the service and trade category. They were Fimarizki, Arina Novi Dewi, Camila Azhar Ramadhanty, Uli Nuha Ahmad Rifa’i, Diah Roshita Dewi.

Although they are not the winner yet, Uli Nuha Ahmad Rifa’i claimed that they were happy to participate in that event. “I get the experiences, new acquaintances, and learn better. Other friends need to participate in this event later so other people can know UNTIDAR especially Natural Education department.“ He added. (RI/AW)
