[:id]FKIP Kembali Tambah Doktor[:en]A New Doctor for Faculty of Education and Teachers Training of Tidar University[:]



Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Tidar miliki Doktor baru, yakni Dr. Sri Sarwanti, M. Hum. Gelar Doktor dari Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta tersebut berhasil diraih setelah mampu mempertahankan disertasinya yang berjudul “Developing an Environment-Based Collaborative English Learning Model for Rural Junior High Schools” dalam ujian terbuka pada tanggal 17 Juli 2019. Tampak hadir dalam ujian terbuka, dosen-dosen di lingkungan FKIP untuk memberikan dukungan. Disertasi dengan promotor Prof. Sugirin, M.A., Ph. D. Dan Co-promotor Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. ini dapat dipertahankan dengan baik dalam ujian tersebut.

Penelitian Dr. Sri Sarwanti, M. Hum ini dilatarbelakangi adanya keterbatasan pada proses belajar mengajar, fasilitas, masyarakat, dan akses pada sekolah satu atap di daerah pinggiran Kabupaten Magelang. Diperkuat dengan adanya paradigma pendidikan yang berubah dari teacher centered learning menjadi student centered learning. Pada era disruptif saat ini pembelajaran mengedepankan adanya kemampuan berpikir kritis (critical thinking), berkomunikasi (communication), berkolaborasi (collaborative), dan kreativitas (creativity). Dengan adanya autonomous learning maka beliau memilih aspek collaborative sebagai variabel dalam penelitiannya. Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah yang dihadapi pada sekolah tersebut, dikembangkanlah model pembelajaran lingkungan berbasis kolaborasi. Lingkungan dalam hal ini mencakup lingkungan fisik, psikis, instruksional, dan sosial. Berdasarkan hasil penelitiannya, ternyata model pembelajaran ini mampu meningkatkan keterampilan, karakter, kolaborasi, dan nilai siswa.

Model pembelajaran lingkungan berbasis kolaborasi ini mencakup kegiatan awal, inti, dan akhir. Pada kegiatan awal dapat berupa apersepsi dengan game, menyanyi, bercerita, dll. Kegiatan inti dan kegiatan akhir menggunakan pembelajaran kreatif dan inovatif seperti group work, pair work, gallery walk, dsb. Dr. Sri Sarwanti, M. Hum merupakan Doktor ke-14 FKIP UNTIDAR. Dengan bertambahnya Doktor baru ini semoga barisan FKIP semakin kuat dalam memberikan yang terbaik bagi dunia Pendidikan di Universitas Tidar. [ET]


The English Education Study Program of Faculty of Education and Teachers Training (FETT) has a new Doctor, namely Dr.Sri Sarwanti, M. Hum.The Doctorate from Yogyakarta State University was successfully achieved after being able to defend his dissertation entitled “Developing Environment-based Collaborative English Learning Model for Rural Junior High Schools” in an open examination on July 17, 2019. Appearing to be present at the open examination, lecturers of FETT environment to give support. The dissertation with Promoter Prof.Sugirin, MA, Ph.D. and Co-promoter Prof.Dr.Sukarno, M.Sc.can be well-maintained in the exam.

The research conducted by Dr.Sri Sarwanti, M.Hum., was motivated by the limitations in teaching and learning processes, facilities, community services, and access to one-roof schools in the suburbs of Magelang Regency. That research was also strengthened by the educational paradigm that changed from teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning.Furthermore, the disruptive era promotes the students to do critical thinking skills, communication, collaborative activity, and learning creatively.With the existence of autonomous learning, she chose the collaborative aspect as a variable in her research.Based on the background of the problems faced at the school, collaboration-based environmental learning models were developed.The environment in this case covers the physical, psychological, instructional, and social environment.Based on her research result, it turns out this model is able to improve the students’ skills, character, collaboration, and scores.

This collaborative-based learning model includes the initial, core, and final activities. In the initial activity can be conducted by giving apperception with games, singing, storytelling, etc. The core and the final activities can use creative and innovative learning such as group work, pair work, gallery walk, etc. Dr. Sri Sarwanti, M. Hum is the 14th Doctor of FETT. The best for FETT. (ER)
