[:id]FKIP Untidar Jalin Kerjasama Internasional dengan The University of Auckland New Zaeland[:en]International Cooperation between FETT Tidar University and The University of Auckland New Zealand[:]
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Tidar mengadakan acara Penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman (Letter of Understanding) dengan Faculty of Education and Social Work, The university of Auckland pada hari Jumat, 31 Maret 2017 di ruang rapat Rektorat Untidar. Acara ini dihadiri oleh Wakil Rektor bidang Keuangan, Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan, serta Dekan dan para Wakil Dekan FKIP. Selain itu, Kepala LPPM PMP dan dosen FKIP juga turut menghadiri acara tersebut.
Penandatangan tersebut dilakukan oleh Dr. John Hope, The Associate Dean of International Affair and Senior Lecturers, Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Auckland dan Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si., Dekan FKIP Untidar.
“Setiap negara memiliki sistem pendidikan yang berbeda-beda. Jangan meniru metodenya, tetapi pengapikasian metode tersebut dengan sistem yang ada,” tutur Dr. John Hope saat memberikan sambutan sebelum penandatanganan LoU.
Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. berharap bahwa kerja sama ini mampu meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, penelitian, dan ilmu sosial kemasyarakatan di Universitas Tidar khususnya FKIP.
Setelah penandatangan LoU, Dr. John hope akan menjadi narasumber Guest Lecturing and Academic Sharing yang akan diikuti Dosen FKIP dan Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Auditorium Untidar pukul 13.00 WIB.
Dr. John Hope juga sempat meninjau situasi pembelajaran di kelas sebelum acara guest lecturing. Beliau mengatakan kondisi pembelajaran di FKIP Untidar sudah bagus karena dosen melakukan pembelajaran yang mengaktifkan mahasiswa untuk terampil berbahasa Inggris, bukan hanya mengajarkan teori kebahasaan. “Dengan modal lancar berbahasa Inggris menjadi langkah awal mahasiswa untuk studi lanjut di luar negeri,” tambah Dr. John Hope.
Dengan adanya kerja sama internasional ini, semoga FKIP Untidar makin berprestasi.
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FETT) organized the signing of Letter of Understanding (LoU) with Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Auckland on Friday, March 31 2017. This event took place in meeting room of Tidar University office. The vice rector for financial affairs, the vice rector for student affairs, and dean and vice deans of FETT attended this event. Furthermore, the head of Research, Community Service, and Quality Assurance (LPPM PMP) and FETT’s lecturers attended that event as well.
The signing of LoU was done by Dr. John Hope, the associate dean of international affair and senior lecturers, Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Auckland and Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si, the dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Tidar University.
“Every country has a different education system. Don’t copy the method. Apply the method with the existing system.” Said Dr. John Hope in his speech before signing the LoU.
Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si., expected that this cooperation can increase the quality of education, research, and social work in Tidar University, especially in FETT.
After signing the LoU, Dr. John Hope will be the keynote speaker of Guest Lecturing and Academic Sharing. The lecturers of FETT and the students of English Education study program will take part in this guest lecturing and academic sharing. It will be held in Auditorium of Tidar University at 1 p.m.
Dr John Hope had the opportunity to see the learning environment of English Department before guest lecturing. He said that the learning environment at FETT Tidar University was good because the lecturers not only taught the language theory but also applied the active learning to increase students’ skill in English. “Their fluency in English will be the stepping stone to continue their study abroad”. Dr. John Hope added.
By this international cooperation, it is hoped that FETT Tidar Unversity will get more achievement. WJ-AW