[:id]Tinjau Visi dan Misi, Prodi PBI Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo Berkunjung ke FKIP UNTIDAR[:en]Reviewing the Vision and Mission, English Education Study Program of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo Visited FETT UNTIDAR[:]
Senin (30/10), Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI) Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMP) melakukan kunjungan ke Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Tidar. Kunjungan ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka Workshop Peninjauan Visi dan Misi Program Studi PBI UMP dengan narasumber Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si., Dekan FKIP UNTIDAR. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh dosen Program Studi PBI UMP yang berjumlah 10 orang dan dosen FKIP UNTIDAR. Rombongan Program Studi PBI UMP dipimpin oleh Ketua Program Studi PBI UMP Sri Widodo, S.S., M.Hum. Turut serta dalam rombongan Wakil Dekan FKIP UMP, Ismawati Ika N., S.S. M.Hum, yang merupakan dosen Program Studi PBI UMP. Menurut Sri Widodo, S.S., M.Hum., workshop ini bertujuan untuk meminta masukan terhadap draft visi dan misi. “Kegiatan ini bagian dari persiapan reakreditasi Prodi PBI UMP”, lanjut beliau.
Kegiatan ini diawali dengan sambutan oleh Ketua Program Studi PBI UMP dan dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan materi workshop oleh Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. menyampaikan bahwa dalam perumusan visi harus memenuhi 6 kriteria, yaitu: Desirable, Consistent, Measurable, Feasible, Flexible, Communicable. “Dalam penyusunan Visi dan Misi Program Studi harus memperhatikan konektivitas dan koherensi dengan Visi dan Misi Universitas dan Fakultas”, lanjut dosen Program Studi PBI UNTIDAR yang akrab disapa Prof. Karno ini.
Setelah pemaparan materi oleh Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si., kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan diskusi. Pada kesempatan ini, Ketua Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP UNTIDAR, Rangga Asmara, S.Pd., M.Pd., menyampaikan masukan bahwa Visi dan Misi program studi sebaiknya menampilkan karateristik program studi yang membedakan dengan program studi sejenis di Universitas lain. Ketua Jurusan Bahasa dan Seni FKIP UNTIDAR, Lilia Indriani, S.Pd., M.Pd., menyampaikan bahwa salah satu komponen yang bisa dimaksimalkan dalam penilaian borang akreditasi adalah penulisan berita di website. “Setiap ada kegiatan maupun event di FKIP, kami menampilkan beritanya di website FKIP. Hal ini dapat memudahkan kita dalam menjawab ketika nanti ditanya oleh assessor tentang kegiatan-kegiatan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang menjadi tagihan di borang akreditasi”, lanjut dosen PBI UNTIDAR yang akrab disapa bu Lili ini.
Kegiatan workshop ini ditutup oleh Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. Dalam pidato penutupnya Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. menyampaikan bahwa workshop ini lebih mengarah pada sharing ilmu. “Semoga jalinan kerja sama antar universitas tetap terjaga”, tutup beliau. (EJ)
Monday (30/10), English Education Study Program (EESP) of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo (UMP) visited Faculty of Education and Teachers’ Training (FETT) at Tidar University (UNTIDAR). The visit was done for the Workshop of Reviewing Vision and Mission of EESP UMP that was reviewed by Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si., The Dean of FETT UNTIDAR. This event was joined by 10 lecturers of EESP UMP and lecturers of FETT UNTIDAR. Sri Widodo, S.S., M.Hum, the coordinator of EESP UMP was the leader for the visit. There was also The Vice Dean of FETT UMP, Ismawati Ika N., S.S. M.Hum as the lecturer of EESP UMP. Sri Widodo, S.S., M.Hum. stated that the workshop was aimed to get the suggestions toward visions and mission draft. “This event is part of re-accreditation of of English Education Study Program of UMP”, he added.
This workshop was opened by the welcoming speech of The Head of EESP UMP and was continued to the presentation of workshop material by Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. shared that in formulating the visions, it must cover 6 criteria such as Desirable, Consistent, Measurable, Feasible, Flexible, Communicable. “In compiling the vision and mission of study program, it needs to pay attention to the connectivity and coherence of Faculty and University’ visions and missions”, Prof. Sukarno stated.
After Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. conducted his presentation, the workshop was proceeded by having excellent discussion. In the discussion, The Coordinator of Indonesian Language Education and Literature Study Program FETT UNTIDAR, Rangga Asmara, S.Pd., M.Pd., contended that vision and mission of study program should represent the study program characteristics that differ from another study program of another university. The Head of Language and Art FETT UNTIDAR, Lilia Indriani, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that one of the components that could be improved in scoring the accreditation forms was the news in Faculty’s website. “Each event in FETT is published in FETT website. This website help us in answering the assessor questions toward the activities of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in which it becomes the important part in accreditation forms.” she explained.
The workshop was closed by Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. In his closing, Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. stated that this workshop was about academic sharing. “It is hoped that we can keep this cooperation between UNTIDAR and UMP”, he closed. (CA)