[:id]Kebahagiaan kembali menyelimuti keluarga besar Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Tidar. Hal tersebut disebabkan 2 proposal Kompetisi Bisnis Mahasiswa Indonesia (KBMI) lolos didanai oleh Kemeterian Ristek, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi tahun 2017 dari total 4 proposal yang lolos se-Untidar.
Dua kelompok mahasiswa yang lolos KBMI telah mewakili dua program studi, yaitu Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PBSI) dan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI). Kelompok 1 terdiri atas Nasrika Dewi Puspitasari (PBSI), Anisatu Ulfa (PBSI), Arief Setiawan (PBSI), Ainun Dyan Desiana (PBSI), dan Azizah Wahyu Lestari (PBI). Judulnya adalah Pengembangan Usaha Box Kado Magelang yang Didanai 15 juta rupiah. Kelompok 2 terdiri atas Septa Hardyaning Tyas (PBI), Alvin Adiwibowo (Fakultas Teknik Untidar), Nafi’ Arrum Fauziah (PBI), dan Siti Sulistyarini (PBSI). Judulnya Banana Stem Body Wash (Bombow) Pemanfaatan Pelepah Pisang menjadi Sabun Mandi yang didanai 18 juta rupiah.
“Sebetulnya, usaha boks kado dan paper bag ini sudah kami mulai sejak 2017. Agar membedakan dengan produk yang ada di toko, kami melayani customable sesuai keinginan pelanggan. Selama ini kami menjual produk secara online dengan harga 10.000 – 60.000 rupiah/boks dan 1.000 – 7.000 rupiah/paper bag,” ujar Nasrika Dewi, Ketua Kelompok 1.
“Saya sangat bersyukur dan tidak menyangka lolos program ini. Usaha ini telah kami mulai sejak Februari 2017. Sabun tersebut kami jual dengan harga 10.000 rupiah/buah. Kami juga memberikan harga khusus untuk teman-teman yang mau menjadi reseller sabun Bombow ini,” ujar Septi Hardiyaning Tiyas, Ketua Kelompok 2 dengan senyum bahagianya.
Rangga Asmara, M.Pd., Koordinator PBSI sekaligus Dosen Matakuliah Kewirausahaan PBSI Untidar mengatakan lolosnya proposal tersebut merupakan hasil dari matakuliah tersebut. “Semoga ke depan makin banyak mahasiswa Untidar, khususnya PBSI yang lolos program-program kewirausahaan seperti ini agar profil lulusan sebagai wirausaha makin terbukti,” tambahnya.
Prestasi FKIP kali ini juga disambut baik oleh seluruh dosen FKIP yang memberikan selamat melalui whatsapp grup FKIP. Semoga ke depan, FKIP makin berjaya. FKIP is The Best! WJ
The Euphoria floods the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FETT) Tidar University once again. Two out of four KBMI proposals, which are selected and funded for Tidar University by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, are proposed by FETT students.
Two groups who got the KBMI grants represent two study programs namely Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI) and English Education (PBI). The PBSI group consists of Nasrika Dewi Puspitasari (PBSI), Anisatu Ulfa (PBSI), Arief Setiawan (PBSI), Ainun Dyan Desiana (PBSI), and Azizah Wahyu Lestari (PBI). The group, with the title “Business Development of Gift Boxes in Magelang”, is funded 15 million IDR. While, the PBI group consists of Septa Hardyaning Tyas (PBI), Alvin Adiwibowo (Faculty of Engineering Untidar), Nafi ‘Arrum Fauziah (PBI), and Siti Sulistyarini (PBSI). The group who proposed “Banana Stem Body Wash (Bombow): Utilization of Banana Leaves as Bath Soap” is funded 18 million IDR.
“Actually, the business of gift boxes and paper bag business has been started since the beginning of 2017. In order to distinguish with the products in the store, we serve customable and decorative boxes as customer wishes. So far, we have been selling the products online for 10,000 – 60,000 IDR / box and 1,000 – 7,000 IDR / paper bag, “said Nasrika Dewi, the PBSI group leader.
The happiness is expressed by the PBI group. “I am very grateful and surprised with the announcement.” We have started the Bombow bath soap business in February 2017. We sell it 10,000 IDR/ each. But, we give special price for those who want to be our reseller “said Septi Hardiyaning Tiyas, the PBI group leader happily.
Rangga Asmara, M.Pd., PBSI Coordinator, Lecturer of Entrepreneurship Courses PBSI Untidar, and supervisor for the PBSI proposal said that the proposal is selected as the outcome of the course. ” I hope more and more Untidar students, particularly PBSI win such competition in the future. It supports one of our university visions to create young entrepreneurs,” he added.
This achievement is also supported by all FETT lecturers who congratulated through WhatsApp FKIP group. Hopefully, FETT will be more successful in the future. FETT is The Best! (WJ/WR)