[:id]Dr. John Hope dari The University of Auckland New Zealand Pacu Mahasiswa FKIP untuk Studi Lanjut di Luar Negeri [:en]Dr. John Hope Encourages FETT’s Students to Study Abroad [:]
[:id]Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Tidar mengadakan acara Guest Lecturing and Academic Sharing dengan Dr. John Hope dari The University of Auckland. Acara tersebut diadakan di Auditorium Untidar dan dihadiri oleh Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Semester II dan IV serta seluruh Dosen FKIP Untidar (31/3).
Tema yang dibahas pada acara tersebut adalah “Possible Chance to Study in New Zealand”. “Sangat mungkin bagi kalian untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di luar negeri, khususnya New Zealand. Beberapa program beasiswa disediakan oleh pemerintah Indonesia maupun New Zealand untuk hal itu,” kata Dr. John Hope. Dr. John Hope yang juga menjabat The Associate Dean of International Affair and Senior Lecturers, Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Auckland ini sempat memberikan pujian untuk mahasiswa PBI yang memiiki kemampuan bahasa Inggris mumpuni untuk belajar di luar negeri.
“Fakultas Pendidikan di Auckland University menjadi urutan ke-20 di dunia. Selain itu, kami memiliki enam ribu mahasiswa internasional dari sekitar seratus negara. Oleh karena itu, kami sangat terbuka dengan memberikan kesempatan mahasiswa Asia kuliah dengan jalur beasiswa,” tutur Dr. John Hope.
Salah satu peserta guest lecturing, Putri Dwi, Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Semester IV bertanya tentang program short course. “Kami mengadakan short course selama dua minggu. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah mengunjungi sekolah-sekolah dan univesitas-universitas di New Zealand,” ungkap Dr. John Hope saat memberikan jawaban.
Semoga kuliah singkat yang diberikan Dr. John Hope dapat membuka wawasan mahasiswa untuk melanjutkan studi ke luar negeri. Selain itu, FKIP Untidar berharap kerja sama dengan The Auckland University ini akan dilanjutkan dengan berbagai kegiatan yang bermanfaat untuk mahasiswa, seperti pertukaran mahasiswa, pertukaran dosen, serta kerja sama lain di bidang penelitian dan kemasyarakatan. WJ
The Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FETT),Tidar University conducted Guest Lecturing and Academic Sharing with Dr. John Hope from The University of Auckland. It was held in Auditorium of Tidar University. The second and sixth semester students as well as the lecturers of English Education participated in this event (31/3).
Possible Chance to Study in New Zealand were chosen as the Guest Lecturing’s theme. “It is possible for you to continue your study abroad, especially in New Zealand. Many scholarships are provided in Indonesia and New Zealand.” Dr. John Hope explained to the students. Dr. John Hope who owns position as The Associate Dean of International Affair and Senior Lecturers, Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Aucklandhad given a compliment to English education students who has a good English proficiency. Furthermore, he also encouraged them to continue their study abroad.
“The Faculty of Education in the University of Auckland is in 20th place in the world. We have six thousands international students from hundred countries. Therefore, we give the chance for Asian students to study in our university through scholarship,” said Dr. John Hope.
One of participants, Putri Duwi, the 4th semester students of English Education asked about the short course program. “We organized short course in two weeks. Visit schools and universities in New Zealand is the activity for short course,” Dr. John Hope explained.
We do hope that this guest lecturing from Dr. John Hope will give the knowledge for students to study aboard. Moreover, We also expect that the international cooperation between FETT, TidarUniversity and The Auckland University will be continued with the useful program such as students and lecturers exchange and other activities in research and social works.(WJ-AW)