Magelang, Untidar — Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas Tidar (Himaprodi PBSI Untidar) mengadakan kegiatan Pemantapan Penelusuran Minat Bakat dan Penalaran. Kegiatan itu berlangsung Sabtu dan Minggu pada 3—4 September 2016.
Kegiatan yang berlangsung dua hari itu dibuka oleh Plt. Koorprodi PBSI, Rangga Asmara, M.pd. Ia juga mengisi beberapa mata acara dalam kegiatan itu sebagai pemateri. Dosen-dosen lain juga dilibatkan dalam acara itu sebagai pemateri, yaitu Drs. Hari Wahyono, M.Pd., Imam Baihaqi, M.A., Winda Candra Hantari, M.A., dan Dr. Farikah, M.Pd.
Selama dua hari mahasiswa baru PBSI mengikuti berbagai macam mata acara. Pada hari pertama mahasiswa baru mendapat materi keprodian, pengenalan Himaprodi, materi peksimida: vokal, materi peksimida: baca puisi, materi peksimida: tari, dan pentas seni (pensi).
Mata acara hari kedua tidak kalah seru. Pada hari kedua kegiatan dimulai dengan senam pagi. Kemudian, mahasiswa sarapan sebelum mengikuti kelas materi duta bahasa. Secara berturut-turut, mata acara selanjutnya materi tentang mawapres, seleksi mawapres dan duta bahasa, dan penutupan. (IS)
FETT – student association of Indonesia Language and Literature study program (Himaprodi PBSI) of Tidar University held debriefing in Saturday and Sunday (September 16th –17th, 2017). The name of the debriefing is PEMANTAPAN which stands for penelusuran, minat, bakat, dan penalaran (investigate, interest, talent, and logical reasoning).
The aim of this event is to find interest, talent, and logical reasoning of PBSI’s new students, and then they can be facilitated by study program. The first day of this event was competition, such as creating poem competition, reading poem competition, language ambassador competition, and tourism ambassador competition. In the second day, this event was full with outbound activity.
The lecturers also took apart in this event. Imam Baihaqi, M.A., as the judges for creating and reading poem competition said that students of PBSI needed to improve their ability in creating and reading a poem. He hoped that the participants for this event are all PBSI’s new students for next year. “The students’ ability in creating and reading poem should be improved, and it is better for next event, all of new students should join this event,” said Imam. (GF).