[:id]BAKSOS untuk Tingkatkan Rasa Kepekaan Sosial dan Keakraban[:en]Social Service: Improving Students’ Social Sensitivity and Solidarity[:]



Mahasiswa Semester tiga Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Untidar melakukan acara bakti sosial di Desa Giriwetan Grabag Kabupaten Magelang. Acara Baksos dilaksanakan selama tiga hari sejak hari Jumat sampai hari Minggu tanggal 10-12 November 2017. Pembukaan acara dilaksanakan di lapangan Njebeg pukul 14.30 WIB. Dalam acara pembukaan tersebut Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si meyampaikan permohonan izin dan bimbingan dari seluruh warga Desa Giriwetan agar para mahasiswa dapat belajar hidup bermasyarakat. Dekan FKIP tersebut juga menyampaikan tujuan diselenggarakannya baksos adalah supaya mahasiswa mengenal masyarakat dan dapat menjadi energi penggerak dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.

Setelah acara pembukaan para peserta baksos dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok dan diinapkan di rumah-rumah warga yang sebelumnya telah dikoordinasikan oleh panitia. Selama kegiatan baksos, para peserta melakukan berbagai kegiatan seperti beramah tamah dengan tuan rumah, mengajar TPQ, melaksanakan bimbingan belajar, kebersihan lingkungan, memasak, mengajar di sekolah, mengikuti aktifitas tuan rumah, dan lomba-lomba. Selain itu, dilaksanakan juga kegiatan wajib dikdas dan pendidikan karakter bagi generasi muda bersama para dosen pendamping.

Pada hari Minggunya yang merupakan hari terakhir kegiatan baksos diselenggarakan berbagai kegiatan yaitu penanaman pohon, bazaar baju, bazaar sembako, dan acara hiburan. Selain itu, bantuan sosial berupa sembako terdistribusi dengan baik dan penanaman pohon berjalan dengan lancar dan meriah.

Kesan dan pesan terkait baksos disampaikan oleh Bangkitama Wibi Krismanto mahasiswa PBI smester 3. Dia menyatakan bahwa kegiatan baksos sangat menyenangkan karena warga Giriwetan welcome dan begitu antusias dalam mengikuti berbagai kegiatan yang diselenggarakan. “Semoga kedepan akan lebih baik dan lebih suskses lagi dalam melaksanakan baksos”, tambah pria yang akrab dipanggil Wibi.

 “Antusias anak-anak untuk belajar sangat tinggi, masyarakat juga bisa menerima kami dengan baik. Semoga warga Desa Giriwetan lebih maju dan lebih baik lagi dalam hal ekonomi, terutama jika kampus FKIP jadi pindah ke desa Giriwetan semoga dapat membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru bagi masyarakat”, kata Nur Wahyuningsih mahasiswi PBSI semester 3A.

Kegiatan baksos diakhiri pukul 13.00 WIB dan para peserta baksos kembali ke kampus dengan mengendarai angkot desa. Drs. Budiono, M.Pd. selaku ketua tim koordinator Baksos FKIP Untidar 2017 menyampaikan  terima kasih banyak kepada masyarakat Giriwetan yang telah sangat kooperatif dalam mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan. Beliau juga mengucapkan banyak terima kasih pada seluruh panitia yang telah bekerja keras mulai perencanaan hingga pelaksanaan. “Sungguh saya sangat salut dengan kekopakan dalam koordinasi yang sangat baik. Beberapa kelompok peserta sudah memenuhi kepatuhan dan telah terjalin keakraban dengan para warga, sehingga para warga menghendaki program lanjutan” uangkap Drs. Budiono, M.Pd. (DZ)


The third semester student of FETT, UNTIDAR held a social service in Giriwetan, Grabag Village, Magelang Regency. The social service is scheduled for three days from Friday to Sunday 10-12 November 2017. The opening of the event was held in Njebeng Square at 14.30 WIB. In the opening ceremony Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M. Si conveyed the request for permission and guidance from all citizens of Giriwetan Village so that the students can learn to live in society. The Dean of FKIP also conveyed the purposes of holding the social service.  The event aimed to improve students’ sensitivity and solidarity for the community, to help them in preparing to be a driving force of future society.

After the opening ceremony the participants were divided into several groups and placed in the homes of villagers who had previously been coordinated by the committee. During the social service, the participants undertake various activities such as associating with the host, teaching TPQ, conducting study guidance, keeping the environmental hygiene, cooking, teaching in schools, following the host activities, and conducting competition. Besides that, there is also mandatory activity of disseminating the importance of elementary education and character building for the young generation by the lecturers.

On the last day of the social service there are various activities following the closing ceremony such as tree planting, clothes and food bazaar. In addition, social assistance in the form of staples is distributed well to the villagers. Tree planting was running smoothly as well.

Impression related to the social service was delivered by Bangkitama Wibi Krismanto student PBI 3rd semester. He stated that the activities of the social service are very fun because the villagers of Giriwetan are very welcome and enthusiastic in following various activities organized by FETT. “Hopefully in the future the event will be better and more successful “, added the man familiarly called Wibi.

“Children’s enthusiasm to learn is very high, the community can also receive us well. Hopefully, Giriwetan villagers will be more advanced and better in economic conditions, especially if FKIP campus is moved to Giriwetan village someday. I do hope it can improve their economic sector and open new jobs for the community “, said Nur Wahyuningsih PBSI student of 3A semester.

The activities ended at 13.00 WIB. The participants returned to the campus by riding angkot. Drs. Budiono, M.Pd. as the chairman of the team of FKIP UNTIDAR 2017 expressed his gratitude to the Giriwetan community who has been very cooperative in following the whole series of activities. He also expressed his gratitude to all the hard-working committees from planning stage to the implementation. “Really I am very salute with the solidarity of the community in excellent coordination with the committee. Several groups of participants have fulfilled compliance and have bond with the hosts, so the residents want the advanced program “said Drs. Budiono, M.Pd. (WD)
