[:id]Say No To Botol Minum Plastik[:en]Say No To Plastic Drinking Bottles[:]



Menindaklanjuti intruksi Menristekdikti Nomor 1/M/Ins/2019 tentang Larangan Penggunaan Air Minum Berbahan Plastik Sekali Pakai dan/atau  Kantong Plastik di Lingkungan Kemenristek dan Dikti yang diteken 26/6 lalu, Universitas tidar menghimbau kepada mahasiswa untuk tidak membeli atau menggunakan air minum berkemasan plastik, termasuk  pada pengelola kantin Universitas Tidar untuk mengurangi penjualan minuman berkemasan plastik. Keterangan tersebut termuat dalam surat edaran no 80/UN57SE/2019 tentang Larangan Penggunaan Kemasan Plastik Sekali Pakai di Universitas Tidar.

Dirjen pembelajaran dan kemahasiswaan Kemenristek dan Dikti, Ismunandar mengatakan, dengan diberlakukannya  intruksi Menristekdikti Nomor 1/M/Ins/2019 tersebut, semua unit di bawah kewenangan Kemenristek dan Dikti dilarang menggunakan kemasan plastik sekali pakai dalam kegiatan kampus. Seblumnya, larangan penggunaan plastik kemasan sekali pakai ini diawali oleh Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan yang dipimpin oleh Susi Pujiastuti, bahkan dalam kementrian KKP tersebut, terdapat sangsi terhadap pengguna kemasan plastik.

Kemasan plastik akhir-akhir ini disorot sebagai penyumbang sampah tak terurai terbesar di dunia. Hal tersebut menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan dan membahayakan makhluk hidup. Hasil penelitian menemukan 80% sampah laut teridentifikasi berasal dari plastik. Menegaskan hasil penelitian tersebut, Asosiasi Industri Plastik Indonesia (INAPLAS) dan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) menyebutkan, sampah plastik di Indonesia mencapai 6,4 juta ton/tahun. Mirisnya, sebanyak 3,2 juta ton sampah plastik itu tidak didaur ulang dan akhirnya menjadi sampah di laut. Bertambahnya volume sampah di laut mengakibatkan spesies langka dan dilindungi mati karena menelan sampah plastik. Jika sampah plastik ini tidak ditanggulangi, dapat dipastikan beragam makluk hidup akan punah. MW


Following up the instruction of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Educatiom (Menristekdikti) Number 1/M/ Ins/2019 concerning the Prohibition of Using Drinking Water with Disposable Plastic and/or Plastic Bags in the environment of the Ministry of which was signed on July 6, Universitas Tidar urged students not to buy or use plastic bottled drinking, including the management of the Universitas Tidar canteen to reduce sales of plastic packaging drinks. This information is contained in circular no. 80/UN57SE/2019 concerning the Prohibition of the Use of Disposable Plastic Packaging at Universitas Tidar.

The Director General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Ismunandar said, with the implementation of the instruction of the Minister of Research and Technology Number 1/M/Ins/2019, all units under the authority of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education are prohibited from using disposable plastic packaging in campus activities. Previously, the ban on the use of disposable plastic packaging was initiated by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), which was led by Susi Pujiastuti. Even in the ministry, there are sanctions against users of plastic packaging.

Plastic packaging has recently been highlighted as the biggest contributor to unraveling rubbish in the world. This causes damage to the environment and endanger living things. The results of the study found that 80% of marine waste was identified as plastic. Confirming the results of the study, the Indonesian Plastic Industry Association (INAPLAS) and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) said that plastic waste in Indonesia reached 6.4 million tons/year. Sadly, as much as 3.2 million tons of plastic waste is not recycled and eventually becomes trash at sea. Increasing the volume of trash in the sea resulted in deaths of rare and protected species caused by ingesting plastic waste. If this plastic waste is not addressed, it is certain that a variety of living things will become extinct. (AL)
