[:id]FKIP: Dosen PBI Menjadi Pembicara dalam The Fifth International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI) di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta[:en]FETT: PBI Lecturer Becomes Presenter in The Fifth International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI) in Yogyakarta State University[:]



Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UNTIDAR, Endah Ratnaningsih, M.Pd., mengikuti the Fifth ICERI di LPMP (Institute of Research and Community Service) UNY pada 8 – 9 Mei 2017. Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UNTIDAR tersebut mempresentasikan artikel berjudul “Early Education and the Quality of Life: the Students’ Perspective toward English for Children in Practice.”

Dalam konferensi ini, Dr. Suyanto, Kepala LPPM UNY, menyampaikan sebanyak 192 artikel dipresentasikan dalam konferensi ini dan jumlah ini merupakan kelipatan dari artikel yang dipresentasikan tahun lalu. Selanjutnya, Dr. Margana, M.A. menyampaikan bahwa konferensi ini memfasilitasi partisipan untuk memperbaharui informasi yang berkaitan dengan penelitian pendidikan dan inovasinya.

Konferensi yang mengusung tema “Optimizing Educational Research Findings to Improve the Quality of Life” tersebut menghadirkan Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc. (Director of Research and Community Service, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) sebagai keynote speaker yang menyampaikan tentang “Strengthening Research Community.” Pada kesempatan itu, Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc. menyampaikan bahwa riset berkaitan erat dengan pendanaan. Selain itu, beliau mengingatkan dosen-dosen untuk meningkatkan riset dan sebagai informasi pada November 2017 akan dilakukan evaluasi untuk mengevaluasi produktifitas profesor.

Pada konferensi tersebut, hadir sebagai pembicara diantaranya Prof. Laurance Splitter, Ph.D. (APNME, Education University of Hong Kong) yang menyampaikan tentang “Powerful thinking as Key to Improving the Quality of Life,” Prof. Richard Luke Daniels (The College of Idaho, USA) menyampaikan tentang “Capturing the Potential of Indonesia,” Prof. Dr. Sri Atun (Yogyakarta State University), Dr. Subiyanto (Center for Innovation of LIPI) menyampaikan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan paten, Dr. Minako Sakai (The University of New South Wales, Australia) berbicara tentang Perbankan Syariah di indonesia, Dr. Deendarlianto (Gadjahmada University), dan Dee Dee A. Salle, Ph. D. (Exercise Physiologist, Nutritionist, and Consultant, Singapore). (ER)


The lecturer of English Education Study Program UNTIDAR, Endah Ratnaningsih, M.Pd., attended the Fifth ICERI at LPMP (Institute of Research and Community Service) UNY on May 8-9, 2017. She presented an article entitled ” Early Education and the Quality of Life: the Students’ Perspective toward English for Children in Practice.”

In this conference, Dr. Suyanto, Head of LPPM UNY, said that there were 192 articles presented at this conference and this number is a multiple of articles presented last year. Furthermore, Dr. Margana, M.A., Vice Rector of Yogyakarta State University, said that the conference facilitates participants to update information related to educational research and innovation.

The conference entitled “Optimizing Educational Research Findings to Improve the Quality of Life.” In that occasion, Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc. (Director of Research and Community Service, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) as the keynote speaker delivered about “Strengthening Research Community.” Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc. said that research is closely related to budgeting. In addition, he reminded the lecturers to improve research and as an information in November 2017 will be evaluated to evaluate the productivity of professors.

At the conference, there were some international presenters like Prof. Laurance Splitter, Ph.D. (APNME, Education University of Hong Kong) who delivered on “Powerful thinking as Key to Improving the Quality of Life,” Prof. Richard Luke Daniels (The College of Idaho, USA) presented “Capturing the Potential of Indonesia,” Prof. Dr. Sri Atun (Yogyakarta State University), Dr. Subiyanto (Center for Innovation of LIPI) presented a material related to patent, Dr. Minako Sakai (The University of New South Wales, Australia) presented about Syariah Banking in Indonesia, Dr. Deendarlianto (Gadjahmada University) presented about international research, and Dee Dee A. Salle, Ph. D. (Exercise Physiologist, Nutritionist, and Consultant, Singapore) presented about the healthy and the quality of life. (ER)
