Mahasiswa FKIP Untidar Jalani Pembekalan PPL

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Tidar (FKIP Untidar) mengadakan acara Pembekalan Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) 2016 (19/7). Acara tersebut diikuti oleh dua progam studi (prodi) di FKIP Untidar, yaitu Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI) dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PBSI) Untidar. Dalam pembekalan tersebut mahasiswa diberikan wawasan tentang pelaksanaan serta kebijakan-kebijakan baru di bidang pendidikan dan pembelajaran bahasa.

Acara dibuka oleh Dekan FKIP Untidar, Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. dan dilanjutkan penjelasan teknis PPL oleh Lilia Indriani, M.Pd., Ketua Panitia PPL 2016. Sebanyak 118 mahasiswa FKIP mengikuti pembekalan ini, yang terdiri atas 81 mahasiswa PBI dan 37 mahasiwa PBSI. Program PPL ini masuk dalam kurikulum semester VII FKIP Untidar. Seperti dikutip dari Pedoman PPL 2016, PPL merupakan kegiatan wajib yang harus ditempuh mahasiswa pendidikan agar menguasai kompetensi guru (pedagogis, kepribadian, professional, dan sosial), menguasai pengembangan keprofesionalan guru, mendekatkan FKIP Untidar pada masyarakat atau satuan pendidikan, dan meningkatkan relevansi kurikulum FKIP dengan tuntutan kebutuhan masyarakat.

 “Tahun ini FKIP Untidar menjalin kerja sama dengan sembilan SMA di Magelang sebagai tempat PPL,” ujar Lilia. Mahasiswa akan menjalankan PPL selama 6 bulan, terdiri atas observasi, penyusunan rencana pengajaran, praktik mengajar, praktik layanan kesulitan belajar, praktik persekolahan, dan diakhiri dengan ujian.

Dalam pembekalan ini, Drs. M. Arief Fauzan B., M.Pd.Si., Kepala SMA Negeri 2 Magelang, selaku narasumber memberikan materi yang berjudul ‘Budaya Belajar Tinggi dalam Konteks Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Sekolah’, “Budaya belajar tinggi dimaksudkan agar peserta didik menjadi yang terbaik dan selalu berkembang. Hal itu dipengaruhi oleh sumber daya manusia yaitu peserta didik itu sendiri dan sistem. Sitem meliputi: manajemen sekolah, kinerja guru dan tenaga pendidikan, serta pengelolaan pembelajaran efektif. Di sinilah peran guru menjadi sangat berarti karena kinerja guru merupakan kunci keberhasilan suatu sekolah,” ujar Arief.

Pada sesi berikutnya, secara terpisah mahasiswa diberi gambaran tentang pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia di SMA sesuai prodi masing-masing. “Para praktikan diharapkan mengerti tujuan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris harus menumbuhkan kesadaran pentingnya bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing, sehingga cakupan pembelajarannya meliputi berbagai kompetensi seperti kompetensi tindak bahasa, linguistik, sosiokultural, strategi, dan wacana,” tutur Hesti Wulandari, S.Pd., M.Pd.BI, pemateri pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMA.

Sartono, S.Pd., pemateri pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia mengatakan bahasa Indonesia diajarkan bukan sekadar sebagai pengetahuan bahasa, melainkan sebagai teks yang mengemban fungsi untuk menjadi sumber aktualisasi diri pada konteks sosial budaya akademis.

Selanjutnya, mahasiswa PPL FKIP Untidar akan diterjunkan ke sekolah-sekolah praktik pada 25 – 27 Juli 2016 mendatang. (WR-WJ)


Entrepreneurship is one of the courses in English Department in which it is aimed at giving students insight on issues related to small and middle business, more particularly one relevant with English.

Indrotomo, M.Pd. the lecturer of Entrepreneurship denotes “at first the students’ mindset of entrepreneurship course is about culinary business, then, I change their mindset to make a business plan that relates to English.” He asks the students to be edupreneurs. He states that Edupreneur stands for Educational Entrepreneur or an entrepreneur that relates to the public education system. In the class, he asks the students to make English courses such as English for Specific Purposes, English for Conversation, TOEFL course, and produce School-Based Material.

To support the teaching learning process, the lecturer invites native speakers who have knowledge in marketing, business strategy, and plan organizer. They are Alex (Canada), Catherine (Canada), Mathew (UK), and Laura (Spain). By inviting the native speakers in the class, the students get additional materials about international business.

In addition, the students also have knowledge how to be good edupreneurs and practice their speaking’s proficiency. That’s why the students are enthusiastic about joining the class. Zaqy Mubarok, the student of Entrepreneurship says “I think Entrepreneurship course is good, especially when there are native speakers in the class. My friend and I are happy when we can communicate to the native speakers and we can know their culture too”

In the future, the lecturer hopes the students can apply the theories about English business plan. Moreover, the lecturer has a continuing program to invite the native speakers from Netherlands to share their business experiences. (CA – AW)

EFT1 Final Project: Vlog, to Act What You Think

The heart of learning is experiencing. The Final Project of English for Tourism 1 (EFT1) is designed to accommodate students’ expression in learning, focused on bringing the theoretical aspects of the subject through experience. The final project is in line with the basic competencies targeted by the course, which are able to reach an understanding of the definition of tourism and its aspects.

Nowadays, Video Log (later is called Vlog) is so hype. Vlog is basically a form of blog which the medium is video. It’s often combine embedded video (or a video link) with supporting text, images, and other editing attributes. Taking mostly the concept of documentary, Vlog has successfully winning the heart of the most video-sharing application users, youngsters. The medium is very popular yet resourceful for the course since it bridges the need assessment of the course.

To complete the requirement of the subject, each student must submit a 5-minute- Vlog of his or her tourism activity. Reading the text is prohibited since one of the purposes of the project is to check their clear understanding of the tourist destination concept verbally. The general theme for this semester is: Tourist Destination. Technically students must go to the-already-well-known tourist attractions or any other spot that has the potential. They are encouraged to be able to explain the ins and outs of that particular travel destination and apply the theoretical knowledge of the concept of an ideal tourist destination given in the class. Students are also invited to give their opinions and suggestions about the travel destination he/she had chosen. Either back sound editing or animation is permitted as long as it is not disturbing the substance. Collectively the students are then required to upload his/her Vlog to the class’ Youtube account.

So far there are positive comments from the students. Indra finds the project interesting since it gives him a chance to getaway from his routines. “We are having opportunity to explore various destinations, prices, accommodations and else, just like what we have studied in class, in reality. Moreover, students today love Vlogging to express our activities. We can shape our ability to speak, to show appropriate gesture or facial expression and to work with our camera so that we will be able to be confident in expressing ourselves about something”.  Niken adds “I got experience and information about a place which I haven’t known before. Somehow it is a kind of relaxation in the midst of hectic Final Exams. Though, I find difficulties in telling spontaneously since I have to think about grammar and vocab. Editing part is also challenging.”

Winda Candra Hantari, the lecturer of EFT 1 says that “Vlog brings benefits to the learning process, although EFT 1 extensively covered the theory, which is the foundation of English for Tourism but actually the theoretical knowledge given in the class should be checked in the real enclosure themselves through experience. Students are stimulated to have unique perceptions of the knowledge gained in the classroom. I’ll be very happy if later they can find something which can be learned from this project more than they have studied in class” To add the spark of up-to-date technology in the class, students are stimulated to familiarize themselves with online video-sharing application.(wd)

Penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman Hiski dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Pada Selasa, 21 Juni 2016 telah dilaksanakan penandatanganan nota kesepahaman HISKI Kedu dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. Penandatanganan ini terkait dengan kerjasama antara HISKI dan universitas-universitas di wilayah eks karesidenan Kedu. Kali ini, penandatanganan langsung dilakukan oleh ketua HISKI Kedu, Imam Baihaqi, M.A., yang didampingi bendahara Winda Candra H., M.A., dengan Dekan FKIP UMM Drs. Subiyanto, M.Pd. Imam Baihaqi dan Winda Candra H merupakan dosen FKIP Untidar.

HISKI, akronim dari Himpunan Sarjanan Kesusastraan Indonesia merupakan sebuah organisasi yang berisi akademisi-akademisi sastra di seluruh Indonesia yang memulai geliat barunya. Hiski merupakan organisasi profesi yang terbuka dan mandiri. Didirikan pada tanggal 17 November 1984, organisasi ini mewadahi pengembangan gagasan pada ranah sastra di Indonesia dan bertujuan untuk kemajuan pengetahuan pendidikan dan kebudayaan.

HISKI Kedu resmi dideklarasikan pada Kamis, 2 Februari 2016 di Universtas Tidar melalui pemilihan oleh 15 perwakilan dari 5 universitas di eks Karesidenan Kedu. Kelima universitas itu adalah Untidar, UMM, UMP, UMNU dan Unsiq. Perwakilan yang hadir di Universitas Tidar yang pada akhirnya menjadi sekretariat HISKI Kedu tersebut memilih dan mengangkat Imam Baihaqi, M.A., sebagai ketua HISKI di wilayah yang dahulu merupakan Karesidenan Kedu.

Penandatanganan ini memiliki banyak sekali kemanfaatan bagi universitas-universitas yang tergabung dan bekerjasama dengan HISKI, khususnya bagi Untidar dan FKIP Untidar. Saat ini FKIP memiliki jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia yang di dalamnya mengajarkan dan mengembangkan kesusastraan Indonesia. Selain itu, FKIP Untidar juga memiliki jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dengan keilmuan sastra yang telah dikembangkan dan diharapkan akan semakin berkembang mengingat pada pelaksanaannya, para lulusan yang nantinya menjadi guru di tingkat pendidikan menengah, harus menguasai Ilmu Sastra semenjak sastra telah diajarkan sejak Sekolah Menengah Pertama dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris.

Hiski sebagai organisasi yang akan sangat mendukung perkembangan kesusatraan di Indonesia ke depan juga telah mencanangkan banyak program terkait keilmuan dan pengembangan sastra dan budaya di Indonesia. Agenda-agenda tersebut beraneka ragam mulai dari keilmuan sastra hingga cipta karya sastra. (al/wd)


One of the biggest industries in Indonesia is Tourism. As an English Department at FKIP, Tidar University, one of the elective courses is English for Tourism in Practice. It is offered in semester six. This course provides students with the competence of using English in tourism fields and it also provides students with the real and practical experiences related to tourism fields. Moch. Malik Al Firdaus, M.Pd., as the English Department Coordinator, said “Practices in the real tourism objects is really beneficial to improve the students’ competence not only in speaking but also to understand the culture and respect the diversity.”

This field work programme starts on March 17th  –  July, 2nd 2016. There are 73 students placed in 9 locations around Borobudur Temple. They are: Lotus 2 Jl. Balaputra Dewa no.54; Desa Gerabah ‘Pak Poyo” Jl. Waringin; Rajasa Jl. Badrawati no. 2 Borobudur; Cempaka Villa dan Spa Guest Jl. Badrawati, Ngaran Lor no.1 Borobudur; Cempaka Guest House Borobudur Jl. Medang Kamulan no.8B Borobudur; Omah GarengPoeng Jl. Kalangan, Tingal Wetan no. 197 Desa Wanurejo Borobudur; Candirejo Tourism Village Jl. Candirejo, Borobudur; Rumah Boedi Borobudur Dusun Tingal, Wangunrejo, Borobudur and Tingal Laras Art House Home Stay Tingal Kulon, Wangunrejo, Borobudur. Widya Nur Rochmah, one of the students who practices in Rumah Boedi, said “I can speak English fluently by practicising it in front office and restaurant. I help the tourist when they want to check in and out, I also explain the menu and the services in Rumah Boedi”. “I get a lot of new experience,” added Maharani Wulan Pratiwi, the other student who practices in Rumah Boedi. Novita Irmawati, one of the students who practices in Desa Wisata Candirejo, said, “I can meet many foreigners to practice my English, They are from United States, Singapore, Australia and France.”  “I also explain how to make Gerabah in Desa Gerabah ‘Pak Poyo’,” uttered Kartiko, the other students. The outcome from this programme are videos about their activities, brochures and progress reports. This programme is guided by Moch. Malik Al Firdaus, M.Pd. and Lilia Indriani, M.Pd. This course also uses a facebook group (EFT in Practice) as the bridge to control the students’ activities and post some pictures. (lilia)


On-Going: Untidar will open Master’s Degree program in English Language Education

           The need of the graduates of English Language Education in society particularly in Eks Karesidenan Kedu for better education has contributed an idea to open a Master’s Degree program at Untidar. The society such as in-service teachers demands more from the university, especially in the education’s quality since its status as a state university on the first of April 2014. One of the prominent reasons they ask the university to open Master’s Degree program is because teachers have full-time jobs and it is hard for them to commute to Semarang or Yogyakarta.

           Since 2015, Untidar has sent 11 proposals to Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI). One of the programs is Master’s Degree in English Language Education.

            Dr. Dwi Winarsih, M.Pd., the coordinator of the Master’s Degree in English Language Education explains that there are nine criteria that must be fulfilled as the requirements. However, there are several criteria that must be revised first before the program can be approved in August 2016. Last but not least, the team has to do the best job so the hope of the society to have better education in Eks Karesidenan Kedu can be achieved. (CA-WR)







Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNTIDAR Tampung Aspirasi Mahasiswa Melalui “2 Jam Bersama Prodi”.

Prof. Dr. Sukarno M. Si. sebagai dekan fakultas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan  membuka agenda “2 Jam Bersama Prodi“ yang mana merupakan program kerja dari Himpunan Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ( EDSA ) pada Rabu (8/6). Acara tersebut dibagi menjadi dua sesi untuk mewadahi aspirasi atau keluh kesah dari mahasiswa FKIP prodi pendidikan bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia terkait kegiatan perkuliahan selama ini yang mana dapat terselenggara berkat kerjasama antara Himprodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (EDSA) dengan Himpro Bahasa Indonesia.

Sesi pertama acara tersebut dilaksanakan oleh Himprodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (EDSA) pada pukul 09.00 WIB di auditorium Universitas Tidar. Tidak kurang dari 20 orang dosen dari prodi bahasa Inggris yang diundang untuk turut serta mendengarkan aspirasi dan keluh kesah dari mahasiswa prodi bahasa Inggris semester dua hingga semester delapan yang hadir di acara tersebut.

Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNTIDAR tampung aspirasi mahasiswa melalui "2 Jam Bersama Prodi".

Salah satu mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNTIDAR menyampaikan saran dan kritik dalam “2 Jam Bersama Prodi”.

Banyak mahasiswa yang mengeluarkan pendapat mereka bahkan langsung dihadapan para dosen mereka. “Acara tersebut memang dirancang sebagai audiensi untuk mewadahi semua aspirasi dan keluh kesah atau pun pendapat mereka pada kegiatan perkuliahan di FKIP khususnya di prodi bahasa Inggris“, ucap Aziz Alwi selaku ketua Himprodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (EDSA).

Semua aspirasi dan keluh kesah dari mahasiswa akan ditampung dan dievaluasi melalui rapat internal yang akan dilaksanakan oleh dekan FKIP beserta para dosen terkait. Pihak panitia pun telah menyiapkan quisioner kurang lebih sejumlah 250 lembar untuk penilaian kinerja para dosen dari sudut pandang mahasiswa.

“Saya sangat setuju dengan acara 2 jam bersama prodi ini karena bisa menampung segala keluh kesah dan aspirasi mahasiswa yang mungkin selama ini kami selaku mahasiswa merasa bingung untuk menyampaikan aspirasi kami ini, menurut saya acara seperti ini harus dilaksanakan juga oleh fakultas lain agar para mahasiswa tidak mengeluarkan aspirasi mereka di tempat dan momen yang tidak tepat“, ungkap Luqman hakim, mahasiswa FKIP PBI.( Aziz)

Final Test runs well

The final tests on FKIP campus in the academic year of 2015/2016

The final tests on FKIP campus in the academic year of 2015/2016

The implementation of the final tests on FKIP campus in the academic year of 2015/2016 has been started on Monday, 20 June and will be end on Saturday, 2 July, 2016.

“So far, the implementation is running well.” said the head of language and art, Lilia Indriani M.Pd. “The main problems which we faced before such as unorganized test seat and the fake test card have been solved”.

This final test is the second piloting project dealing with giving seat number. In the past, students might assume if they came earlier they could take the strategic position. But, for today they can’t do it. Since the first implementation on the midterm test weeks, the situation has changed significantly.

Another prior problem found at FKIP dealt with the fake test card has been solved. The lecturers have been taught how to differentiate between the original version and fake version of test card. Beside that, the new system helps the lecturers a lot. If the students’ names are not in the attendance list, it means they haven’t paid and they can’t take the test.

In this final test, some faculty members are supervising the implementation of it. They are observing the strengths and weaknesses. It is hoped that we won’t encounter big problems in the future. (WR)

Kuliah Perdana di FKIP: Kontrak Kuliah antara Dosen dan Mahasiswa


Senin, 13 Februari 2017 lapangan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan terlihat dipadati kendaraan. Sekitar pukul 07.00 WIB, mahasiswa-mahasiswa FKIP sudah memasuki ruang kelas. Bukan hanya FKIP, seluruh mahasiswa dan dosen Universitas Tidar juga sudah mulai aktivitas mengajar pada hari itu.

Kuliah perdana Universitas Tidar dimulai Senin, 13 Februari 2017. Berdasarkan Kalender Akademik 2016/2017, Jadwal Semester Genap dimulai dengan perkuliahan paruh I 13 Februari sampai dengan 8 April 2017, UTS 10 – 22 April 2017, perkuliahan paruh II 24 April – 17 Juni 2017, dan Ujian Akhir Semester 3 – 15 Juli 2017.

Beberapa mahasiswa menyambut antusias kuliah perdana ini. “Saya sangat bersemangat semester ini karena akan menghadapi matakuliah-matakuliah baru dengan dosen-dosen yang juga baru mengajar saya di semester ini. Semester kemarin nilai matakuliah saya lumayan, jadi semester ini saya akan meningkatkan lagi usaha saya agar lebih baik lagi,” kata Ilmi Qonaah, mahasiswa PBSI saat ditemui usia mengikuti kuliah. Senada dengan Ilmi, Yusuf Yulianto, mahasiswa PBI, mengaku senang dan semangat bisa kembali kuliah.

Perkuliahan perdana di FKIP diisi dengan penjelasan kontrak kuliah, silabus, bahan ajar kuliah, tugas-tugas, tata tertib kuliah, dan sistem penilaian. “Dosen-dosen menjelaskan kontrak kuliah pada pertemuan perdana hari ini. Kami membuat kesepakatan-kesepakatan dengan dosen, misalnya toleransi keterlambatan, materi pembelajaran, sistem pengumpulan tugas, dan penilaian,” ujar Nuryanto, salah satu ketua kelas Semester II PBSI.

“Bagi kami, kontrak kuliah itu bukan hanya untuk mendisiplinkan mahasiswa, tetapi juga kami, para dosen. Materi perkuliahan juga lebih terarah. Selain itu, dengan adanya kontrak kuliah ketika kami harus menegur mahasiswa yang terlambat, baik itu datang kuliah atau mengumpulkan tugas, kami punya dasar. Mahasiswa pun berhak menegur kami saat kami terlambat tanpa pemberitahuan. Tata tertib dalam kontrak bukan hanya untuk mahasiswa, tetapi juga dosen,” ujar Arum Nisama Wulanjani, M.Pd., Dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP.

Meskipun sudah mulai kuliah, beberapa mahasiswa belum sepenuhnya selesai perihal pengurusan jadwal kuliah. Krisna Adi Prasetya, misalnya, mahasiwa PBSI Semester II ini memiliki 4 matakuliah dengan jadwal bersamaan. “Persoalan jadwal kuliah yang belum beres, dapat diselesaikan saat Periode Batal Tambah Kartu Rencana Studi pada 13 – 15 Februari 2017,” kata Drs. Hari Wahyono, M.Pd., via WhatsApp yang dikirimkan kepada seluruh dosen FKIP agar memberitahukan informasi tersebut kepada seluruh mahasiswa. WJ


Monday, February 13, 2017, many vehicles congested the field of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FETT). The students of FETT had entered their classroom at 7 a.m. Not only FETT students, but also all students and lecturers of Tidar University had started the lecturing activity on that day.

The lecturing activity at Tidar University was started on Monday, February 13, 2017. According to academic calendar 2016/2017, the schedule of Even Semester is February 13 – April 8, 2017 for the first part and April 24 – June 17, 2017 for the second part.  The midterm exam is held on April 10 – 22, 2017, while the final exam is held on July 3 – 15, 2017.

Some students welcomed the first day on this semester enthusiastically. “I am really enthusiastic this semester because I will face new subjects and lecturers. On the odd semester, my mark was pretty good, so this semester I will increase my mark and study harder,” said Ilmi Qonaah, the student of Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI) after joining the lecture. In line with Ilmi, Yusuf Yulianto, the student of English Education, admitted that he had a new spirit facing the new semester.

The lecturing on the first day was about the explanation of lecture contract, syllabus, material, assignments, class regulation, and assessment system. “Lecturers explain lecture contract on this first day. We make the agreements such as lateness tolerance, material, assignments submitting system, and assessments,” explained Nuryanto, one of the second semester leaders in PBSI.

“Lecture contract is not only to discipline the students but also to discipline us as lecturers. It will make the material more focus too. Furthermore, the lecture contract will be our guidance in class so we can admonish the students who are late in class or in submitting the assignments. The students also have a right to warn us if we come late without information. In short, the regulation in lecture contract is not for students only but also for lecturers,” added Arum Nisma Wulanjani, M.Pd., the lecturer of English Education.

Although the class had begun, some students still had a problem with the lecturing schedule. Krisna Adi Prasetya, the second semester student of PBSI, had four subjects at the same time. “The schedule problem can be completed in add/drop period of Study Card on February 13 – 15, 2017,” Drs. Hari Wahyono, M.Pd. informed via WhatsApp which was sent to the lecturers of FETT to be informed to the students. WJ/AW
