[:id]Pelantikan dan Serah Terima Jabatan ORMAWA FKIP Untidar Tahun 2018[:en]The Inauguration of FKIP Students’ Association 2018[:]
Selasa (13/02/2018) bertempat di Aula Universitas Tidar telah dilangsungkan pelantikan dan serah terima jabatan organisasi mahasiswa (ormawa) di lingkungan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP). Acara dibuka pukul 13.00 WIB oleh Dekan FKIP, Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si. dilanjutkan dengan penandatanganan berita acara dan pelantikan pengurus baru ormawa. Dalam sambutannya, Dekan FKIP berpesan agar pengurus ormawa harus mampu menyeimbangkan antara kegiatan berorganisasi dengan kegiatan perkuliahan. Hadir dalam acara ini adalah Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan, Koordinator Program Studi, serta Gugus kemahasiswaan.
Ormawa yang dilantik terdiri atas Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM), Dewan Pertimbangan Mahasiswa (DPR), EDSA, Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi (HIMPRO) PBSI, dan HIMPRO PIPA. Berikut adalah susunan ketua dan wakil ketua ormawa FKIP Tahun 2018 :
Ketua BEM : Mutiara Abdul Majid
Wakil ketua BEM : Mohammad Dwi Raharjo
Ketua DPM : Rani Rahayu
Ketua EDSA : Yusuf Yulianto
Wakil ketua EDSA : Wahyu Styono
Ketua HIMPRO PBSI : Leanita Fitria Agustin
Wakil ketua HIMPRO PBSI : Rega Bagoes Nurvianto
Ketua HIMPRO PIPA : Rudi Susilo
Wakil ketua HIMPRO PIPA : Ukhtina Al Mumtahanah
Pada kesempatan tersebut, Dekan FKIP juga menyampaikan hasil capaian prestasi kemahasiswaan FKIP Tahun 2017 tertinggi diantara fakultas lain di UNTIDAR. Oleh karena itu, beliau menyampaikan tugas berat diemban oleh pengurus ormawa yang baru untuk mempertahankan prestasi tersebut.
Tuesday (13/02/2018). The inauguration of FKIP students’ association was held at Universitas Tidar Auditorium. The event was opened at 13.00 p.m. by the Dean of FKIP, Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si, and continued by signing the official report and contract of the new board members. In his speech, he advised the new members that they should be able to balance between organizational activities with lectures. There were Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, the Coordinator of Study Program, and Student task force were attending the event.
The students’ organization inaugurated were Student Executive Board (BEM), Student Advisory Council (DPM), EDSA, Student Association Study Program (HIMPRO) PBSI, and Student Association Study Program (HIMPRO) PIPA. The new board members are as follows:
President of BEM : Mutiara Abdul Majid
Vice President of BEM : Mohammad Dwi Raharjo
Head of DPM : Rani Rahayu
Chairman of EDSA : Yusuf Yulianto
Vice Chairman EDSA : Revelation Styono
Chairman of HIMPRO PBSI : Leanita Fitria Agustin
Vice Chairman of HIMPRO PBSI : Rega Bagoes Nurvianto
Chairman of HIMPRO PIPA : Rudi Susilo
Vice Chairman of HIMPRO PIPA : Ukhtina Al Mumtahanah
On that occasion, the Dean of FKIP also reported all of the students’ achievement in 2017 which has the highest rank compared to other faculties of Universitas Tidar. Therefore, he expressed his appreciation and askes the new management system to be able to maintain this achievement. (translated by WR)