[:id]FKIP: Dosen PBI jadi Pemakalah di AsiaA TEFL-TEFLIN 2017[:en]FETT: English Education’s Lecturers Became Presenter in Asia TEFL-TEFLIN 2017[:]
Berlokasi di Hotel Royal Ambarukmo Yogyakarta, tiga orang dosen FKIP mengikuti seminar The 15th ASIA TEFL – The 64th TEFLIN International Conference. Adapun yang mengikuti seminar tersebut adalah Dr. Farikah, Dr. Dwi Winarsih, dan Widya Ratna Kusumaningrum. Dalam kegiatan seminar ini, Farikah memaparkan artikelnya yang berjudul “The Effectiveness of Jurisprudential Inquiry Learning Model in Developing the Students’ Competence in Writing Analytical Exposition Texts”, Dwi mengangkat judul artikelnya “Micro Teaching and Stimulated Recall: How Teacher Students Aware of Their Teaching”, dan Widya dengan artikelnya yang berjudul “Pre-service Teachers’ Perception on Teaching Future EFL Students: A Micro-Ethnography Approach”
Kegiatan yang mengusung tema “ELT in Asia in the Digital Era: Global Citizenship and Identity”, mengajak para akademisi dan praktisi pendidikan seperti guru dan dosen untuk terus mengikuti perkembangan tren dunia pengajaran bahasa Inggris dalam konteks bahasa asing yang selaras dengan perkembangan teknologi.
Kegiatan yang dibuka oleh Menteri Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, Prof. H. Mohammad Nasir, Ph.D selama 45 menit berlangsung selama tiga hari, Kamis-Sabtu, 13-15 Juli 2017. Selama kegiatan ini berlangsung, terdapat sebelas pembicara utama dalam seminar pleno seperti Anita Lie (The Director of and a Professor at the Graduate School of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya), Anthony J. Liddicoat (The Professor in the Centre for Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick), Diane Tedick (A Professor of Second Languages and Cultures Education at the University of Minnesota), Hu Guangwei (An applied Linguist by Training and an Associate Professor in the English Language and Literature Academic Group), Herbert Putcha (A Professor of English at the Teacher Training University in Graz, Austria), Paul Nation (Emiritus Professor in Applied Linguistics at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), Roslyn Appleby (A Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at University Technology of Sydney), Yueguo Gu (A Research Professor, the Head of Corpus Linguistics Department, and Director of Corpus and Computational Linguistics Research Centre of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Hanan Khalifa (Head of Research and International Education of Cambridge English), Deborah Healey (Co-Author and Primary Editor of TESOL Technology Standards), Nicky Solomon (Researcher and Teachers at University Technology of Sydney).
Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan seminar dengan dua organisasi penyelenggara tingkat Asia (ASIA TEFL) dan tingkat Nasional (TEFLIN) berhasil menarik antusiasme 1211 pemakalah dan 188 partisipan dari 28 negara seperti Malaysia, China, Australia, Indonesia, Korea, Jepang, dan lain sebagainya. (WR)
FETT (19/7) Located in Royal Ambarukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta, 3 lecturers of English Education FETT, joined the 15th Asia TEFL – The 64th TEFLIN International Conference, they are Dr. Farikah, M.Pd., Dr. Dwi Winarsih, M.Pd., and Widya Ratna Kusumaningrum, M.Ed. In this seminar, Dr. Farikah, M.Pd. presented her article entitled “The Effectiveness of Jurisprudential Inquiry Learning Model in Developing the Students’ Competence in Writing Analytical Exposition Texts”. Dr. Dwi Winarsih, M.Pd. presented “Micro Teaching and Stimulated Recall: How Teacher Students Aware of Their Teaching”, while Widya Ratna Kusumaningrum, M.Ed. presented her article entitled “Pre-service Teachers’ Perception on Teaching Future EFL Students: A Micro-Ethnography Approach”.
The seminar which has theme ELT in Asia in the Digital Era: Global Citizenship and Identity, asked educational academics and practitioner such as teachers and lecturers to follow development of teaching English as foreign language as well as technology development.
This event which held in three days, 13th– 15th July 2017, was opened by Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Prof. H. Mohammad Nasir, Ph.D. There were eleven key note speakers in planetary seminar, such as Anita Lie (The Director of and a Professor at the Graduate School of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya), Anthony J. Liddicoat (The Professor in the Centre for Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick), Diane Tedick (A Professor of Second Languages and Cultures Education at the University of Minnesota), Hu Guangwei (An applied Linguist by Training and an Associate Professor in the English Language and Literature Academic Group), Herbert Putcha (A Professor of English at the Teacher Training University in Graz, Austria), Paul Nation (Emiritus Professor in Applied Linguistics at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), Roslyn Appleby (A Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at University Technology of Sydney), Yueguo Gu (A Research Professor, the Head of Corpus Linguistics Department, and Director of Corpus and Computational Linguistics Research Centre of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Hanan Khalifa (Head of Research and International Education of Cambridge English), Deborah Healey (Co-Author and Primary Editor of TESOL Technology Standards), and Nicky Solomon (Researcher and Teachers at University Technology of Sydney). (GF)