Kamis (31/10/2019) bertempat di Ruang Cilantro 2 Hotel Atria, Jurusan MIPA FKIP UNTIDAR telah menyelenggarakan workshop penyusunan penelitian MIPA. Workshop dihadiri oleh ketua LPPM-PMP, Dekan FKIP beserta pejabat struktural di lingkungan FKIP, dan seluruh dosen di lingkungan jurusan MIPA.
Workshop dibuka oleh Dekan FKIP, Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M. Si. tepat pukul 09.00. Dalam sambutannya, Dekan FKIP berpesan agar para dosen dapat mengambil ilmu sebanyak-banyaknya dari narasumber. Guru Besar FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), Prof. Dr. Siti Zubaidah, M. Pd , didatangkan sebagai narasumber workshop. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, narasumber menyampaikan materi mengenai penyusunan road map penelitian, pedoman penelitian Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Kemristekdikti, pedoman penilaian proposal penelitian, serta SBK-SBM-BOPTN penelitian.
Penyampaian materi yang menarik oleh narasumber, menjadikan peserta workshop antusias mengikuti jalannya kegiatan. Luaran yang diharapkan dari workshop yang diselenggarakan adalah tersusunnya roadmap penelitian masing-masing prodi, meningkatkan kemampuan dosen dalam menyusun proposal penelitian yang berkualitas, dan meningkatkan jumlah proposal penelitian yang lolos didanai.
“Workshop penelitian MIPA sangat bermanfaat bagi peserta. Materi yang disampaikan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman peserta mengenai penulisan proposal penelitian yang sesuai dengan pedoman dan peraturan yang berlaku, termasuk bagaimana menyusun roadmap penelitian yang benar. Selain itu, peserta juga dapat merefleksi kualitas proposal yang dibuat berdasarkan kriteria penilaian yang disampaiakan pemateri, sehingga kedepannya dapat menyusun proposal penelitian yang lebih berkualitas” kata salah satu dosen peserta workshop, Ika Sukmawati, M. Pd. (RI)
Thursday (10/31/2019) at the Cilantro 2 Room Atria Hotel, the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNTIDAR held a workshop on the preparation of MIPA research. The workshop was attended by the Chairperson of LPPM-PMP, the Dean of FETT along with structural officials of FETT, and all lecturers in the MIPA department.
In his speech before opening the event, the Dean of FETT, Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M. Si. advised the lecturers to gain as much knowledge from the speakers as possible. Professor of FMIPA Malang State University (UM), Prof. Dr. Siti Zubaidah, M. Pd, was invited as the keynote speaker. On the occasion, she presented materials regarding the preparation of the research road map, the research guidelines of the Directorate of Research and Community Service at the Ministry of Research and Technology, guidelines for evaluating research proposals, and standard of research reports of BOPTN (university operational assistance).
The speakers delivered the materials in a very interesting way, making the participants enthusiastic in following the activities. The expected outcome of the workshop were the compilation of a research roadmap for each study program, and the increase of lecturers’ ability in preparing quality research proposals, and the number of research proposals that pass through funding.
“The Mathematics and Natural Sciences research workshop was very beneficial for the participants. The materials presented can enhance participants’ understanding of writing research proposals that are in accordance with applicable guidelines and regulations, including how to develop a correct research roadmap. In addition, participants can also reflect on the quality of proposals made based on assessment criteria given by the speaker, so that in the future they can prepare higher quality research proposals,” said one of the workshop participants, Ika Sukmawati, M. Pd. (AL)