[:id]Ekspos Borang Akreditas[:en]Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program Exposes Accreditation Form[:]



Magelang – Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PBSI) mengadakan rapat ekspos borang akreditasi di ruang lab microteaching (10/02/2017). Rapat yang dipimpin Rangga Asmara, M.Pd. selaku Koordinator Prodi (Korprodi) PBSI itu membahas borang akreditasi yang segera diserahkan ke DIKTI.

“Borang ini hasil kerja keras tim yang akan segera kami bawa ke Jakarta minggu depan,” kata Rangga saat membuka rapat. Rapat dihadiri 14 dosen PBSI dan pejabat struktural Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Untidar.

Batas waktu penyerahan borang akreditasi adalah 19 Februari 2017. Diagendakan pada 14 Februari 2017 borang akreditasi tersebut sudah dibawa ke Jakarta.

Borang akreditasi PBSI dikerjakan oleh tim yang terdiri atas dosen-dosen PBSI. Proses pengerjaan borang sudah dimulai sejak Agustus 2016. Dengan kerja keras tim, akhirnya borang dapat diselesaikan. Marilah kita berdoa agar PBSI memperoleh akreditasi A. (IS)


FETT Untidar (16/02/2017) – On Friday, 10th February 2017, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (PBSI) held a meeting for exposing accreditation form. Held in Microteaching Laboratory, the meeting was lead by Rangga Asmara, M. Pd as the Coordinator of PBSI. The meeting itself focused on the accreditaion form which should be handed soon to Ministry of Science

“We will hand this accreditation form in to the Ministry next week,” said Rangga Asmara, M. Pd in the opening of the meeting. The meeting was attended by 14 lecturers of PBSI and also several structural officials from Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

Lecturers of PBSI has worked hard as the accreditation team. The accreditation form had been done since August 2016 by the team. The accrediation form has The deadline for the form submission is on 19th February 2017. The team of the accreditation scheduled to submit the form to the Ministry on 14th February 2017.

By doing tremendous effort, the team finally could complete the accreditation borang. Let’s hope for the best result, for PBSI getting score A for the accreditation.  (IS-NA)
