[:id]Penerjunan PKL Jurnalistik Mahasiswa PBSI FKIP Untidar di Suara Merdeka[:en]Journalistic Feld Work Practice in Suara Merdeka[:]



FKIP-UNTIDAR (24/10). Dalam rangka Praktik Kerja Lapangan Jurnalistik, mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Untidar, Selasa 24 Oktober 2017 diterjunkan di Kantor Perwakilan dan Iklan Koran Suara Merdeka Jalan Pierre Tendean Magelang. Mahasiswa yang mengikuti Praktik Kerja Lapangan ini merupakan mahasiswa semester 5.

Kedatangan mahasiswa di kantor Suara Merdeka, disambut baik oleh pimpinan Suara Merdeka Karesidenan Kedu dan DIY Bapak Drs. H. Dodhy Yulianto W., MBA dan salah satu wartawan senior Suara Merdeka Eko Priyono. Dalam penyambutannya, mahasiswa diberi pembekalan awal berupa sejarah koran dan bagaimana cara koran dapat bertahan hingga kini.

Ayu Wulandari, M.Pd. dosen Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Untidar yang menjadi Pembimbing PKL Jurnalistik di Suara Merdeka, menuturkan “Praktik Kerja Lapangan ini merupakan aplikasi dari teori perkuliahan jurnalistik yang sudah mahasiswa dapatkan di semester 4. Mahasiswa harus memanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya dan menyerap ilmunya sebanyak-banyaknya. Sebelum bekerja meliput berita, mahasiswa harus melihat SOPnya terlebih dahulu sehingga hasil output benar-benar sesuai visi misi Suara Merdeka.”

Beliau juga memaparkan harapannya ke depan “Dengan Praktik Kerja Lapangan ini, keterampilan mahasiswa dalm bidang jurnalistik semakin bertambah, mahasiswa dapat memasarkan informasi terkini melalui media cetak dan elektronik. Harapan lainnya, semoga Praktik Kerja Lapangan Jurnalistik menjadi ajang pengabdian pada masyarakat melalui siaran pers.” (WL)


FETT-UNTIDAR (24/10). In the framework of Journalistic Field Work Practice, students of Indonesian Language and Literature Studies Program FETT Untidar, Tuesday, October 24, 2017 deployed in the Office of Representatives and Newspaper Advertising Suara Merdeka in Magelang. Students who follow this Field Work Practice are students of 5th semester.

The arrival of students in the Suara Merdeka office, welcomed by the leader of Suara Merdeka of Kedu Residency and Yogyakarta Special Region, Drs. H. Dodhy Yulianto W., MBA and one senior journalist of Suara Merdeka, Eko Priyono. In his welcoming speech, students were given an initial briefing in the form of newspaper history and how the newspaper can survive until now.

Ayu Wulandari, M.Pd., a lecturer of Indonesian Language and Literature Education FETT Untidar, who guides Journalistic Field Work Practice in Suara Merdeka, said “This Field Work Practice is an application of journalistic lecture theory that students have got in the Fourth Semester. Students should make the best use and take the kowledge as much as possible. Before working on covering the news, students must see the SOPs first so that the output results are exactly in line with the vision of the Suara Merdeka mission. “

He also expressed his future hope, “By doing this Field Work Practice, student skills in the field of journalism is increasing, students have marketing ability for the latest information through print and electronic media. Hopefully, Journalistic Field Work Practice becomes a place of community service through press release. “(ER)
