[:id]Dua Tim Mahasiswa FKIP Menjadi Pemakalah di Seminar Internasional ICOLLITE UPI Bandung[:en]FKIP (FETT) UNTIDAR Sent Two Student Teams As Speakers at ICOLLITE UPI Bandung International Seminar[:]



Sejumlah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNTIDAR berhasil mempresentasikan artikel ilmiahnya dalam ajang bergengsi tingkat internasional, yaitu pada The 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE). Seminar yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) tersebut dilaksanakan pada hari Kamis tanggal 24 Oktober 2019 lalu di Hotel Harris, Bandung.

ICOLLITE tahun ini mengambil tema “Bridging Literacies, Culture and Society towards Education 4.0”. Berdasarkan tema besar tersebut 2 tim mahasiswa PBI menyusun artikel ilmiahnya dan berhasil lolos seleksi reviewer untuk dipresentasikan. Artikel pertama dengan judul “The Analysis of Verb Form in ‘A Rush of Blood to The Head’ Album by Coldplay” dipresentasikan oleh tim yang beranggotakan Muhammad Rauuf Oktavian Nur (semester 5) dan Febriana Aminatul Khusna (semester 3). Artikel tersebut menjelaskan tentang digital students yang suka menikmati segala jenis musik daripada membaca beberapa buku dengan gaya belajar mereka. “A Rush of Blood to the Head” adalah salah satu album musik terpopuler oleh grup musik Coldplay. Artikel kedua dengan judul “The Analysis of Noun Phrase in “The Story of Roro Jonggrang”” dipresentasikan oleh tim yang beranggotakan Ririt Rachma Miranti (semester 5) dan Putri Aulia Swastika (semester 5). Artikel tersebut menjelaskan tentang banyaknya siswa yang lebih suka membaca teks naratif daripada teks penjelasan, teks argumentatif atau jenis teks lainnya.

“Seminar tersebut sangat menarik. Diisi oleh pembicara utama yang kompeten serta bertaraf internasional, mampu memberikan perspektif yang baru bagi kami untuk menyambut pendidikan di masa depan. Semoga konferensi serupa bisa rutin dilaksanakan setiap tahunnya” tutur Muhammad Rauuf Oktavian Nur sebagai salah satu tim pemakalah dari PBI FKIP UNTIDAR. [MR]


Four students of the English Language Study Program (PBI) of FKIP (FETT) UNTIDAR succeeded in presenting their scientific articles at prestigious international level event, namely The 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE). The seminar, which was held by the Indonesian Language University (UPI) Faculty of Language and Literature Education, was held on Thursday, October 24, 2019 at Harris Hotel, Bandung.

This year, ICOLLITE has “Bridging Literacies, Culture and Society towards Education 4.0” as the theme for its third annual event. Based on the theme, 2 PBI student teams compiled their scientific articles and successfully passed the reviewer selection to be presented. The first article with the title “The Analysis of Verb Form in ‘A Rush of Blood to the Head’ Album by Coldplay” was presented by a team consisting of Muhammad Rauuf Oktavian Nur (fifth semester) and Febriana Aminatul Khusna (third semester). The article explains about digital students who like to enjoy all kinds of music rather than reading a number of books in their learning style. “A Rush of Blood to the Head” is one of the most popular music albums by the Coldplay music group. The second article entitled “The Analysis of Noun Phrase in “The Story of Roro Jonggrang” was presented by a team consisting of Ririt Rachma Miranti and Putri Aulia Swastika, both are now in the 5th semester. The article explains about the number of students who prefer reading narrative texts to explanatory texts, argumentative texts or other types of text.

“The seminar was very interesting. Filled by competent and international standard keynote speakers, it was able to provide a new perspective for us to welcome education in the future. Hopefully a similar conference can be held regularly every year,” said Muhammad Rauuf Oktavian Nur as one of the speakers from the PBI FKIP UNTIDAR. [AL]
